Imagine talking about periods and not cursing the stinging cramps. The intensity of cramps differs from person to person, but one thing is common that it is painful and unpleasant for everyone.
So, why do we actually get period cramps? Every month your body prepares itself for the pregnancy and grows the endometrial lining. But if the pregnancy doesn't occur, our body has to expel the endometrium lining along with the blood. And to do that, it has to squeeze and contract itself ,which results in cramps.
Now let's discuss the 5 ways.
1. Hot water bag:
Yes, the most popular and effective. You can fill the bag with hot water and keep it in your lower abdomen. Also, we have electric heating pads on the market which is also a good option. You can charge it within a few minutes and use it. And if you don't want to buy anything just take a water bottle, fill it with hot water and wrap it up with a towel and it's ready to soothe you.
2. Be active:
We know that cramps don't even let you get up from the bed. But doing regular exercise can relieve the pain. Try out some stretching, yoga and light exercises.You can try yoga postures that are convenient and can be done in bed, like the Child's pose, the Butterfly pose or the Savasana.
3. Using painkillers:
We know you are shocked as it is underrated advice. It is said that taking painkillers affects your uterus negatively ,but that’s not the case. If you can't tolerate the pain then go ahead and take a OTC painkiller. But keep in mind that painkillers don't suit everyone, especially if you have a history of Heart or Kidney diseases. People suffering from Ulcerus and Gastric problems should also consult their doctor before taking painkillers.
4. Eat Healthy Food:
You should always eat healthy food and especially if we are talking about cramps, eat foods that are rich in magnesium like bananas and green leafy vegetables as they help with cramps. You can also have a little dark chocolate as they are rich in cocoa, which has high levels of Magnesium.
Anti Inflammatory foods like ginger tea, or fennel, which is sauf tea also helps a lot. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, highly processed foods like chips and junks as it can only worsen your pain.
5. Massage:
One of the most effective ways is to tell someone to massage. Especially the back and shoulders, where it hurts the most. The massage increases the blood circulation in the area , so the oxygen supply also increases and muscles tend to relax.
Cramps are very normal and the intensity varies from person to person. But if these tips don't bring any relief and even if the pain killer seems to not work or if the cramps are interfering with your daily life then you must visit a doctor as it indicates some other health issues .