
5 FAQs about PCOS Answered!

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5 FAQs about PCOS Answered!

About 10 to 36% of young women have been or will be diagnosed with PCOS at some point or the other. In the last few decades the number of PCOS diagnoses in women has been increasing. There are a lot of unanswered questions related to PCOD/PCOS. So here we are answering a few FAQs related to PCOS.

1. How does one know she has PCOS?

If you any 2 or more of the following symptoms

- Irregular periods


- Stubborn acne or breakout 

- Excessive hair on face

- Struggling to lose weight

- Dark patches on the skin

2. Why does one have PCOS?

PCOS is a genetic imprint or genetic coding. When a girl is born, it is likely that some female members of the family, whether it's from the father's side or mother's side, will have the same symptoms.


3. Can junk food cause PCOS?

Junk food can make it more evident. If one has genetic coding or genetic imprint that she is already born with, junk food can definitely make it more prominent. If someone is not carrying the genetic imprint and not carrying the coding then junk food might not cause PCOS but, it can also cause other problems. 

4. Does breakout always mean PCOS?

The answer is not necessarily because the breakout is a symptom of PCOS if it has the following characteristics.

- If it has a male pattern that is more evident on the lower jawline, lower chin and the upper neck. Sometimes cheeks and the back.

- If the acne is large in size or the cluster.


- If they are very painful or tender to touch.

- If they are not responding to usual remedies.

- If they are persistent after teenage. 

- If they are associated with irregular periods.

5. Can lean and thin women have PCOS?

Yes they too can have PCOS

5% of the lean women can have PCOS and about 20 to 30% of PCOS are in women who are absolutely optimal in weight or even underweight. 

junk food in pcos acne Pcos pcos treatment excessive facial hair Irregular period