
7 important dietary tips for elderly people.

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7 dietary tips for elderly people.

It is defined as the age of 60 and above, also called the retirement period. No one can avoid or run away from this period because aging is a natural process, but what is in our control is how we want that phase of life to be.

It’s important to prioritize this time of your life in terms of health and follow some special dietary tips for elderly people. As your body goes through a lot of changes like impaired hearing, diminished sense of taste, physical discomfort, changes in gastrointestinal tract, hormonal changes, socio physiological changes and because of all these changes it’s even more important to take extra effort to take and understand the right nutrition for you for keeping your body healthy from inside and to prevent or delay the complications one can face.

7 dietary tips for elderly people.

Nutrition or Dietary tips for Elderly:-

  1. Fiber rich diet:- Eating a diet rich in fiber takes care of your digestive system but it is seen that elderly people often avoid eating raw fruits and vegetables that is also the reason that constipation is seen more in elderly people. 

If there is no issue or loss of teeth, one should include or choose a variety of high fiber foods like raw fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains. At Least 15 to 20 gm of fiber is recommended per day. 

  1. Vitamin B12 - It is an essential vitamin needed by the body to make red blood cells and for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Its deficiency is largely seen in vegetarian people as its good sources are animal based. So make sure to supplement if your diet is lacking in B12.
  2. Calcium:- During the elderly period, bone loss is majorly seen and to prevent or control that it's important to include calcium and vitamin D rich foods to take care of strong teeth and bone and also to prevent osteoporosis. 

Calcium rich foods include - Sesame seeds. coconut, milk, yogurt, tofu, amaranth, drumstick and calcium fortified foods.

  1. Vitamin D:- Vitamin D is also very essential as it helps in calcium absorption in the body and its deficiency can impact your overall health. Your body can make its own Vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Try to spend 15 to 20 in the morning in sunlight.
  2. Protein rich food:- Adequate protein intake is required for older people to prevent muscle loss and specially during the periods of emotional and physical stresses. Our body cannot store protein so we need to give it a good supply on a daily basis. Rich protein sources are eggs, milk, curd, beans, pulses, peas etc
  3. Antioxidants:- Include vitamin A, C, E rich foods in your diet, as it protects your cells, makes you look healthy inside out and also takes care of your heart health by reducing inflammation and also prevents damage from free radicals that are also the cause of cancer.
  4. Drink enough fluids:- Water hydrates, detoxifies and also helps in nutrient absorption in your body and also helps with constipation. Avoid high sugar based drinks as they can increase inflammation and bad gut bacteria in your body. 

It’s important to know and understand your body and accept the changes that happen during this new phase of life. Enjoy this phase and eat different colored food which is easily digestible, suits your lifestyle  and your body’s requirements. 

Talk to Gytree nutritionists for a personalised diet plan.
