
8 types of Vitamin B and its benefits

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8 types of Vitamin B and its benefits

B complex vitamins are the 8 essential water soluble vitamins which our body requires for the optimal physiological and neurological functioning. These are 8 types of Vitamin B- thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folacin, pyridoxine, biotin, pantothenic acid and cyanocobalamin. 

These 8 vitamins are grouped together since their functions are closely related. These vitamins are vital in several metabolic functions. They serve as vital control agents in many reactions, as coenzymes in energy metabolism and in tissue-building. 

Role of Different types of Vitamin B in our body

  1. Thiamine B1 :- It is a water soluble, fairly stable vitamin. It is the beriberi preventing factor and is stable in acidic medium but is easily destroyed by cooking foods in neutral or alkaline medium.

Good sources of thiamine include:- lean pork, beef, liver, nuts, whole or enriched grains, legumes, eggs and fish.

Functions:- Control of energy metabolism:- The main function B1 is to act as a controlling agent in energy metabolism. It does so by acting as coenzyme TPP in key reactions that produce energy from glucose or that converts glucose to fat for tissue storage.

  1. Riboflavin (B2) - Riboflavin was formerly known as B2. It is stable to heat but easily destroyed by visible light .

Good sources:- liver, kidney and eggs.

Functions:- The main function of B2 is to act as a control agent in both energy production and tissue- building. It acts as a coenzyme in protein metabolism. It is a vital factor in protein metabolism just like B1 is in carbohydrate metabolism.

8 types of Vitamin B and its benefits
  1. Niacin (B3) - Niacin is the P-P vitamin or pellagra- preventing vitamin. This vitamin is related to an essential amino acid, tryptophan. 

Good Sources:- Protein rich foods such as poultry, fish, meat,peanuts, beans and peas are all good sources of Niacin. 

Functions:- Niacin is needed with riboflavin in the process whereby protein is deaminated and converted into glucose. 

Its Deficiency can cause pellagra, which means rough skin, is the primary deficiency disease due to lack of sufficient niacin in the diet and it appears only after a month of dietary deprivation.

  1. Pantothenic acid (B5) - Pantothenic is the word derived from Greek word pantothem which means is every corner or from all sides. It simply implies that it is widespread in nature. It is also synthesized by intestinal bacteria. 

Functions:- It helps in the process of energy production in the cells from carbohydrates.


It is also involved in the degradation and synthesis of fatty acids.

Sources:- Yeast and metabolically active tissues such as kidney, liver.  Good sources include egg yolk and skimmed milk powder. Fair sources are lean meat, beef, cheese, legumes, sweet potato etc. 

Deficiency:- Since its widespread in nature, deficiency is unlikely.

  1. Pyridoxine (B6) - Pyridoxine is the predominant form of the vitamin present in plant foods. It is not stable under heat or alkaline conditions. It forms present in plant food is more stable than animal foods.

Functions:- It is important for the metabolism of amino acids and necessary for the synthesis of heme.

It also participates in carbohydrate metabolism. It is required for the synthesis of neurotransmitters from amino acids.

Good Sources: Beans, Legumes, nuts, eggs, meats, fish breads and cereals.

Deficiency: Pregnant women, alcoholics and elderly population are at higher risk of developing it’s deficiency .

  1. Biotin (B7)

The word biotin comes from the ancient Greek word “biotos” which means ‘’life’’ or ‘’sustenance’’. It is also called vitamin H. Biotin is an important part of enzymes that helps in various metabolic processes in the body.

Functions:- Biotin is needed by body to metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fat.

It is also essential for pregnant women as it is essential for embryonic growth and development.

Sources:- Cooked salmon, pork, yeast, cauliflower, avocado, cauliflower, sweet potatoes etc.

  1. Folic Acid

Folic Acid is also known as Folacin or Folate. This name was given to the vitamin as green leaf vegetables are an excellent source of the vitamin. Folate word comes from the latin word “folium” which means “leaf”.

Functions: Formation of neurotransmitters in the brain.

It Decreases the homocysteine levels in the blood and thus prevents heart disease.

Pregnant women are prescribed supplements to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus and to prevent anemia.

Good Sources: Beans, Legumes, citrus fruits and juices, whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables, poultry park, shellfish and liver.

Deficiency: It leads to megaloblastic anemia.

Maternal deficiency leads to neural tube defects in foetus.

It leads to a number of problems like incontinence hydrocephalus (fluid retention in the brain), learning disabilities, etc.

  1. Cobalamin (B12)

It is the only vitamin that has a mineral in it’s structure. It is liberated from the food because of the action of gastric juice. After absorption , it passes into the blood stream and moves to the liver, bone marrow and blood cells.

Functions: It participates in a variety of reactions of DNA and RNA regulation.

It is required for folate metabolism.

It helps in the metabolism of fatty acids.

Good Sources: Animal foods are the only reliable source as plants do not contain this vitamin.

Eggs, Meat, Poultry, Shellfish, Milk and milk products.

vitamin B