There are various hormones in the body which control the menstrual cycle. The average menstruation cycle lasts for about 28 days, and on each one of those days, it is possible for the hormone levels to change. Changes in oestrogen and progesterone affect the occurrence of acne during periods. The drop in these hormones a few days before a period might also trigger acne flare ups. The changes in the first half are influenced by oestrogen and those in the second half are controlled by progesterone. When there are acne flares one to two weeks before menstruation and when they go away with the onset of a period, and this might repeat the pattern at least twice in a row, then it might be because of premenstrual acne.
Symptoms of acne during periods:
Acne during periods differs from the traditional acne that occurs during the periods. Breakouts of pimples from period acne are very commonly on the lower half of the face (chin, cheeks), jawlife, and neck. They are usually and generally inflamed, red, raised bumps (papules) that rarely develop into pustules (papules with pus). They might be very frustrating, but do not try to squeeze them. This would make them even worse and take longer to go away.
Changes in hormone levels could be one of the factors responsible for acne during periods. Testosterone levels remains at a constant throughout the menstrual cycle, while oestrogen and progesterone drop as abpnd when period approaches. This means that before and during menstruation, testosterone levels could be higher than estrogen or progesterone.
This increased level of progesterone stimulates the production of sebum. This natural oil might clog pores.
Acne lesions that are tender bumps that appear before periods start, in hormone dependent areas like on the cheeks, in the lower third of the face, on the neck, and, less commonly, on the chest and back.
Some people might be surprised to know that acne is one of the signs and symptoms of perimenopause.
The term “menopause” simply marks the end of the menstrual cycle after 12 months following the final period. However, according to the studies it is discovered that the time leading up to menopause (perimenopause) might last from 7 to 14 years. During this time, estrogen levels are dropping. This might cause mood swings and various other problems.
During the perimenopause, estrogen levels in the body declife, but testosterone levels remain consistent. This shift in hormones combined with a decrease in skin cell regeneration might lead to clogged pores and might cause some people to experience acne for the first time in years. These outbreaks are very commonly located on the cheeks, chin, jawlife, neck and back.
When the person is not at the typical age at which most people experience symptoms of perimenopause (that is mid 40s) and yet are experiencing a sudden onset of serious acne, it might be because of a more serious health condition related to hormonal imbalance. These symptoms are often not related to normal hormone changes during the menstrual cycle, hence be sure to consult the doctor and take medical help.
Cystic acne is a serious form of acne that affects the face, chest, and back. There are multiple inflamed lumps beneath the skin — nodules, cysts, and frequently, scars.
Acne is most common during adolescent and teen years. However, acne could continue into adulthood and could be serious. According to the studies, premenstrual acne in adults might be seen in most women.
Cystic acne might occur as a result of the periods as well as because of hormonal changes, etc.
Treatment could be challenging and might require a combination of medicines. Topical treatment is often ineffective.
People with cystic acne commonly need additional treatments such as:
- Oral antibiotics
- Intralesional steroids
- Systemic steroids
- Hormonal therapy
Oral form of vitamin A is a good treatment for the same. Do make sure to speak to one of the best doctors before beginning to take any kind of supplements.
Others experience cystic acne because of genetics or they might be acne prone. For these people, a more aggressive approach could be necessary with an oral form of vitamin A also known as isotretinoin. This is considered to be one of the best forms of treatment for resistant cystic acne.
Isotretinoin targets the sources of cystic acne. It kills the acne causing bacteria, unclogs pores and decreases excess oil and inflammation as well. The course of treatment with this prescription medication commonly takes four to five months and might have some serious side effects, particularly for women.
To take isotretinoin, it is also necessary to take pregnancy tests before and while taking the medication and to use at least one form of effective contraception so as to prevent pregnancy. Studies have shown that this medication is teratogenic, meaning it might cause developmental malformations or birth defects.
Acne during periods: Is there any treatment :
There are various different options available today to treat mild to moderate acne during periods. The more common treatments options include the following:
- Topical creams, gels, ointments, and washes. For most people, mild acne could be treated with topical treatment (gels, solutions, and lotions). These might be either over the counter (OTC) or by prescription. There are various other options available by prescription, typically prescribed by a dermatologist. They include:
- Azelaic acid — It kills bacteria and reduces inflammation. In addition, it has been found to signify when it diminish the appearance of skin blemishes, help fade post acne marks and other discolorations, refine the skin’s surface, and even skin tone.
- Antiseptic washes with benzoyl peroxide
- Mild salicylic acid
- Topical retinoids — Retinoids which are made from vitamin A help in new skin cell production and push oils and dead skin out of blocked pores. By doing this, it helps to prevent blackheads and whiteheads.
- Topical and oral antibiotics — These acne medicines that might kill some of the bacteria on the skin and reduce redness and inflammation. Topical antibiotics are effective acne treatments but have the risk of bacterial resistance.
Oral contraceptives : Acne during the periods might be caused by changes in the sex hormones associated with the menstrual cycle and approaching menopause, these are the same hormones that make some drastic changes as well.There are three variations of birth control pills that have been approved by the studies for treating acne during periods. Oral contraceptives contain both estrogen and progesterone which might make acne even worse. That is why, it’s important to talk to a doctor before starting any medication.
Treating acne might be a trial and error process so as to find the right one that works for one. This might be especially difficult while dealing with the continuous hormonal changes that occur throughout life. Explore Gytree’s expert curated programs for the right guidance on the root cause of your acne and it’s treatment.