Verified by Dr. Vaishali Sakpal Rane (MBBS, DGO Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB Obstetrics and Gynaecology)
There are several reasons for missed periods or cease. Most women get their period every 28 days or so, although it's usual to have a cycle that is somewhat shorter or longer than this (from 21 to 35 days).
A normal menstrual cycle is not always experienced by all women. They may have early or late periods, and each time, the length of the period and the amount of blood that is shed may differ. There are two other occasions when your period is likely to be irregular: when it initially begins and when the menopausal transition begins. Your cycle may become erratic as your body transitions.
Most women who have not achieved menopause get their menstruation every 28 days. A healthy menstrual cycle, on the other hand, might occur every 21 to 35 days. Your period may fall outside of these limits for one of the reasons listed below.
If you engage in sexual activity and your period arrives later than usual, you could be pregnant. Periods frequently end abruptly because of pregnancy. It can happen if your contraceptive fails.
It's possible that your period is merely late, in which case you should wait a few days to see whether it comes. You can perform a pregnancy test to determine whether or not you are pregnant if it doesn't arrive.
Chronic stress may disrupt your hormones, disrupt your daily pattern, and even impact the area of your brain that regulates your period, the hypothalamus. Stress can cause illness or rapid weight increase or loss over time, all of which might disrupt your cycle.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
The disorder known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) makes your body create more androgen. As a result of this hormonal imbalance, cysts grow on the ovaries. This might cause ovulation to become erratic or cease completely.
Birth control
Your cycle may change when you begin or stop using birth control. Birth control tablets include the chemicals oestrogen and progestin, which inhibit egg production in your ovaries. It might take up to three months for your period to return to normal after you stop using the pill.
Weight loss or growth that occurs suddenly
Excessive or rapid weight loss might stop your periods. Strict calorie restriction prevents the generation of hormones required for ovulation.Your menstrual cycle may also be impacted by being overweight. One of the hormones that controls the female reproductive system, estrogen, may be produced in excess if you are overweight.
Each menstrual cycle is distinct, just like every individual is. While 28 days is the most common cycle duration, periods can last anywhere from 21 to 35 days. Cycle abnormalities can occur for a variety of causes, including persistent stress, weight loss or increase, and quitting or restarting birth control.