
Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acid 

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Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acid 

Fats are a more concentrated form of energy than carbohydrate. They are a more heterogeneous group of compounds that include the ordinary fats, oils, waxes and related compounds found in food and the human body.

Omega 3 Fatty Acid 

They are the form of fats that get burned in the cells to get energy. There are 24 different types of fatty acids characterized as saturated and unsaturated. Omega 3 is a part of PUFA which is Polyunsaturated fatty acid. 

Omega 3, also known as linolenic acid, is also classified as essential fatty acids which means our body cannot make it on its own, it needs to be synthesized from outside food sources in the body. Since the time of infant care till taking care of your elderly age, Omega 3 has numerous roles and benefits to play in one’s health and development. 


There are 3 types of Omega 3 fatty acids - EPA (Eicosapentaonic acid) , DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and ALA ( alpha - linolenic acid). EPA and DHA is mostly found in animal based foods and ALA is found in plant sources.Sources of Omega 3 include:- Flax seed, hemp seed, chia seed, walnuts and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, cod etc.

Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acid 

Let’s know some of the major Benefits of omega 3 fatty acids :-

  1. Lowering Triglycerides :- 

Triglycerides are the bulk of fat in our body but too much of it is harmful and a major risk factor for obesity, heart disease, type 2 Diabetes and can also be the reason for inflammation in the body. But consuming Omega 3 in sufficient amounts helps to reduce high triglycerides levels and improves your overall health.

  1. Slow down the risk for dementia :- 

Dementia is a loss of cognitive functioning like thinking, remembering, focusing etc usually seen in elderly population but ensuring a good intake of Omega 3 in your early life helps to delay the onset of Dementia or helps to improve the condition.

  1. Helps in Brain development of Infants:- 

DHA is a type of Omega 3 required for the development of the brain. Our brain is majorly made of fat and Omega 3 plays a very important role in maintaining cognitive functions and brain development is at its highest pace since the time of birth up till 2 years of age. Its important that since the time of pregnancy, the mother is making sure to take enough Omega 3 in the diet to start supporting the brain development.

  1. Helpful for skin:- 

Omega 3 takes good care of our skin and hairs and also has natural anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce swelling, itchiness, and redness which occurs in different skin conditions. Good fats are also a natural moisturizer for our skin specially if you have dull and dry skin and hair.

  1. Great at the time of PMS:- 

Symptoms like cramping, bloating, mood disorders, breast tenderness is seen during the time of PMS in women due to the uterus contraction which creates inflammatory responses and because Omega 3 has the anti- inflammatory properties which helps a women to reduce or lessen the symptoms she faced before her cycles.

We have by now understood various benefits of Omega 3 for our overall health but knowing this also remember there is a very thin line between the benefits and ill effects of fat and consuming even the essential fats in high quantities will impact your health negatively. So select and protect your health but also don’t include anything in excess.

Omega 3 Fatty Acid