
Can stress cause hair fall?

Gytree Team
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Can stress cause hair fall?

Have you ever wondered that your hair loss may be caused by stress? 

 When people have hair loss, they examine other probable causes but disregard the common culprit, stress.

Stress causes hair follicles to enter a "resting" phase, when they do not create new hair strands. Hair can come out more readily with time, even if you're merely washing, brushing, or caressing it. Telogen effluvium (scientific name for stress-induced hair loss) is such a condition in which hair loss is prominent and can also be induced by inadequate diet and changes in hormone levels. Hair loss and stress may not have to be everlasting. Additionally, if you control your stress, your hair might regrow.

Pregnancy, chronic disease, injuries, relationship troubles, financial concerns, poor diet, surgery, drugs such as antidepressants, and even jet lag can all cause hair loss. So, how can you overcome this?

  • Eat a Healthy Diet: When it comes to the greatest foods for reducing hair loss from stress, whole foods and a balanced diet are essential. Include plenty of fruits and veggies. In such scenarios, whole grains and lean proteins can also be beneficial. 
  • Manage Your Stress: Since we're dealing with stress-induced hair loss, this is the most essential step. The way you deal with stress might have an influence on your hair loss. If you encounter a stressful life event and do not seek treatment, you may experience more hair loss. Try yoga, meditation, deep breathing, writing, or any leisure activity you enjoy. If things do not improve, you should seek counselling or therapy.

Consult your doctor if you observe abrupt or uneven hair loss, or if you notice greater hair loss than normal after combing or washing your hair. Unexpected hair loss could be a sign of a underlying medical condition that has to treated.

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