
Collagen supplements: Benefits and Side effects

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Collagen supplements: Benefits and Side effects

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and it is also a primary component needed for formation of the skin, muscles, bones, blood vessels, ligaments and other connective tissues. 

Collagen supplements are becoming popular nowadays to improve the structure of hair, skin nails as well as joints and muscles. They are available in hydrolyzed form to make it easier to be absorbed by the body. Earlier collagen was included in dermatological products like creams or serums but dermatologists always doubted their effectiveness as topical creams. Collagen fibres are difficult to penetrate deeper skin layers through these products. This is why collagen supplements in the form of pills and powders are becoming more popular. They are thought to be absorbed easily by the body.

The four most common types of collagen are:

Type I: It is the most common type of collagen, present in all connective tissues in the body


Type ll: They are found in intervertebral discs and the joints 

Type lll: They are found in the reticular fibres of the skin and blood vessels

Type lV: They are present as a component of kidneys, inner ear, and the lens of the eyes

Potential Health Benefits of Collagen Supplements

Although various health benefits of collagen have been studied, there are conflicts and debates on the effectiveness. There is evidence that collagen can help in improving skin condition and joint pain, but more research is needed to understand its different aspects.

Collagen supplements: Benefits and Side effects

Here are some potential health benefits of collagen supplements:

It may provide healthy skin 

Collagen can help in providing strength, elasticity and hydration to the skin. It can also help in slowing down the ageing process by reducing the dryness and wrinkles formation.

Stronger Bones

As you age, the collagen degrades and your bones become less dense. Studies show that collagen supplements may help to make your bones denser, by slowing down the bone breakdown process. 

Increased Muscle Mass


Collagen peptide supplements along with strength training exercises can  potentially help in boosting muscle mass as well as strength.

Healthier Nails and Hair

Benefits of collagen supplements also include healthy and strong nails. Collagen can help to prevent brittle nails that break very easily. Moreover, it may help your nails as well as the hair to grow longer and stronger.

Side effects of collagen supplements:

Although collagen supplements generally don’t have many side effects, some people can go through certain side effects like bloating and gut issues. If you have allergies from fish, shellfish or egg you should avoid collagen supplements. Moreover pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid taking these supplements. If you are thinking about starting collagen supplements it’s always good to consult a health expert

Collagen supplements