
Common postpartum changes in the body

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Common postpartum changes in the body

When you become a mother for the first time, you are usually overwhelmed, worn out yet joyful, and you cry and laugh.Sometimes, all at once! Life now tends to revolve around the new baby, and being on high alert becomes your new normal. It's easy to lose track of yourself while putting self-care on the back foot when you're surrounded by the never-ending chaos that a newborn brings. Many new mothers are unaware that their bodies, too, require tender loving care.

Involution is a word used in postpartum physiology to describe the process of reproductive organs reverting to their prepregnant form. The uterus and placental site compress fast during birth to avoid further blood loss. In the early postpartum period, the cervix and vagina may be enlarged and bruised, but they will progressively recover back to normal. It is natural for a woman's vagina to seem broader than it did before she gave birth. The swelling and laxity should go away after a few days. It is usual to have postpartum vaginal dryness. After delivery, the amount of colostrum secreted by the breasts rises. Pain, anxiety, sadness, engorged breasts, or depression can all block the milk ejection reflex.

Common postpartum changes in the body

Also, Without the need to pass pee, the bladder wall may become enlarged and hyperemic, and the bladder may become overdistended. Because of dehydration and the adverse effects of pain medications, postpartum constipation is rather typical in the first week or two.The hematocrit may initially fall owing to blood loss after delivery, but it will begin to climb again when plasma volume drops due to diuresis and hemoconcentration. Weight increase during pregnancy can result in spider veins, varicose veins, and stretch marks. And, while they will certainly fade away with time, they will remain. It's typical to lose up to one-third of your hair once your baby is three months old.


It might be helpful to keep in mind that virtually everything does indeed get better over time while you go through the odd, fantastic, irritating, cool, and inspirational changes your body goes through after having a kid. Your body gave birth to a human, and there are countless ways it might respond and surprise you.

postpartum vaginal care Postpartum postpartum care changes after postpartum