The goal for management of diabetes is always to keep the blood sugar levels as close to the normal range as safely as possible and to prevent health complications one can get because of unmanaged diabetes.
But when it comes to diabetes management we don’t know much about it, and we just start the medications without any lifestyle changes expecting a normal level on the scale. People with Type 1 diabetes might need daily injections of insulin and these injections must be balanced with meals and daily activities, and glucose levels must be closely monitored through frequent blood sugar testing to manage the diabetes.
But When it comes to type 2 diabetes, it’s important to start your journey of managing diabetes by knowing the cause and start taking responsibility for the day to day care. Diet, exercise and medications ( in some cases) are the important aspects of managing Type 2 diabetes. In Type 2 diabetes the goal is to make sure the blood sugar levels do not go too high or too low.
Let’s know how you can start managing your Diabetes through your Nutrition before reaching out to other sources.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the diet, including starches, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and sugars. Most meats and fats do not contain any carbohydrates.
First it's very important to clear this myth that you need to avoid carbohydrates to manage diabetes, instead eating a consistent amount of carbohydrates at each meal can help to control blood sugar levels.
What you need to focus on is taking complex carbohydrates as they are high in fiber and release glucose in slower amounts and not refined or simple carbohydrates because these are responsible for raising your blood sugar levels. It is important to emphasize that rice and fruits are not contradicted in a diabetic diet.
Therefore include more complex carbohydrates like - Whole grains like brown rice, oats, millet whole pulses, brown bread, sprouts, beans etc and start cutting down on maida based products like white bread, pasta, cakes, pastries, cookies and other bakery goods.
Adequate fiber is important for people with weight issues in diabetes as it satisfies hunger with fewer calories. It also lower blood sugar levels after meals and improves glucose tolerance. Especially soluble fiber help diabetic people lose weight and improve the health of their colon.
Foods high in soluble fiber, such as oats, barley, beans and apples are very valuable because soluble fiber decreases LDL and total cholesterol blood levels. Also remember whole fruits are better than fruit juices because the whole fruit has more fiber and less concentration of sugars.
Avoid the use of refined sugars in all the forms e.g sugar, jaggery, jam, syrups, soft drinks and alcoholic drinks.
Protein intake should be 1 gm/kg body weight, but make sure to go more towards plant based sources and in animal based sources go more towards low fat options especially in diabetes as triglycerides levels are already very high.
Requirement of protein increases at the time of pregnancy, lactation and in some elderly people. Protein intake may need to be restricted in patients with kidney disorders but only after analyzing the patient’s actual protein intake.
Fat and type of fat
A high fat diet especially rich in saturated and trans fat is one of the main culprits leading to cardiovascular complications in diabetes.
SFA is found in meat, poultry, high fat dairy products like butter ghee , cream and oils like palm kernel oil, hydrogenated vegetable oils palm oil, coconut oil etc. and Transfat is found in margarine, hydrogenated fat cakes, cookies and deep fried junk food.
Fats like Mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are said to be heart friendly. MUFA are found in olive oil, peanut oil. PUFA are found in soybean, corn, sunflower and safflower oil, nuts and seeds like walnuts, flax seed, fenugreek seed etc.
What we need to focus on is to start building new habits and discontinue with our old habits that are making us sick but we keep on doing them. We cannot see results either with lifestyle and nutrition and medication if we cannot start looking to reverse the root cause. Consult Gytree experts for the right guidance and personalised diet plan.