
Do everyone suffers from postpartum depression?

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Do everyone suffers from postpartum depression

 Many women picture being a first-time mother as a period of complete fulfilment, with days full of mother-infant connection and unending delight. However, the fact is that a lot of women go through severe emotional shifts after giving birth. The "maternity blues" are a brief postpartum episode of crying and worry that affects between 50 and 85% of new moms. However, postpartum depression (PPD), a more enduring and widespread kind of mood illness, affects 10 to 15 percent of women.

Because postpartum depression may have a terrible influence on the experience of being a new mother and can have serious ramifications for the child, it is critical to identify which women are most vulnerable to PPD. Postpartum depression may affect any woman, regardless of age, marital status, level of education, or financial situation. But there could be certain things that make a woman more likely to have postpartum depression. Some most frequent examples are:

  • Prenatal depression - The clearest indicator that a person would eventually develop PPD is depression during pregnancy.
  • anxiousness before birth
  • Previous depressive history - Although not as strong of a predictor as a depressive episode during pregnancy, it appears that women who had histories of depression before conception are also more likely to develop PPD than those who do not.
  • Pregnancy blues - The blues, especially if they are strong, may signal the beginning of PPD.
  • current difficult life occurrences
  • insufficient social support
  • Poor marital ties - One of the most recurrent results is that postpartum mental disorder is more prevalent in women who experience marital unhappiness and/or insufficient social support.
  • a low self esteem
  • childcare anxiety
  • challenging baby temperament
  • single marital status
  • unintended or undesirable pregnancy
  • inferior socioeconomic standing

These women should be eligible for more thorough monitoring as well as specific therapies that might lower the incidence of postpartum sickness in this high-risk population. Some studies have revealed the positive effects of preventive antidepressant medication given after birth for women with medical histories of depression. Therefore, early treatments and knowledge of risk factors may aid in preventing postpartum depression's harmful consequences on both the mother and her baby.

Postpartum depression postpartum nutrition Postpartum