
Do gynaecologists care about your pubic hair?

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Do gynaecologists care about your pubic hair?

Pubic hair is a normal and natural part of our body. It's there for a reason. Actually, there are various reasons you have it. It offers warmth and prevents direct contact of germs and dirt with your vulva.Many women no longer give it a second thought when they shave, wax, or remove body hair with a laser. It’s your choice to remove or leave it but never be ashamed of visiting a gynaecologist with your pubic hair. Pubic hair is very natural and it has its own functions.

It is truly beneficial to your body. 

In order to protect our genitals, we have pubic hair, which is a really legitimate purpose. It protects the skin from friction, keeps dirt and bacteria out of the vagina, and limit heat loss. 

It is absolutely OK to have hair down there. 


"It is not unhygienic to have pubic hair," contrary to popular opinion.So, what makes women believe it makes them dirty? Media representations of a perfect body? Well the natural body is the perfect body.

Certain STIs may be avoided if you have pubic hair. 

Despite the fact that no particular research has been conducted. Theoretically, skin-to-skin STIs like herpes have less surface area to transmit if there is less exposed skin. 

The sensitive interior tissue is also protected by pubic hair, according to the statement, "Pubic hair is guards the entryway to the most significant organs in our body. It plainly covers the exterior skin, which is rather sensitive and can get irritated and unpleasant from rubbing against items such as underwear and pants.

If you have any kind of issue its always better to consult an OB/GYN. The fact is that whether you have a clean shaved or not, neither your doctor doesn’t care. They are doctors and nurses. They understand that hair growth is normal and natural. It has no effect on their ability to execute their job and has no negative impact on your health. So next time you are visiting your gynaecologist remember that you don’t need to be scared or worried about how your genital look.

Pubic hair is pubic hair unhygienic