
Doing away with Common Period Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

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Doing away with Common Period Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Have you ever been told by your grandparents that you shouldn't enter the temple while you are on your period? Did your mind pop this question to you “I need to miss sports class this week as I'm unfit to play on my period”? We have indeed been victims of this taboo culture about menstrual periods and their do’s and don'ts. It's high time we break this vicious cycle of period myths that continue to predate upon generations due to a lack of timely checks about prevalent period myths existing in society today. 

Periods, a natural and essential aspect of many women's lives, have been shrouded in myths and misconceptions for centuries. These period myths often stem from cultural taboos, lack of education, and outdated beliefs. They have now been the product of misinformation that is being passed on from generation to generation. It is time we let this chain break by understanding some of the most prevalent period myths and uncover the truth behind them. Talk to our Gytree experts in Gynaecology for a consultation about period myths and troubles. 

7 Prevalent Period Myths Busted!

Myth 1: Swimming during your period is unhygienic.


Fact: This myth has been perpetuated for generations, but the truth is that swimming during menstruation is perfectly safe and hygienic. Menstrual blood is not dirty or harmful, and modern menstrual products like tampons and menstrual cups are designed to be worn during water activities. Additionally, water pressure can help prevent leaks. As long as proper menstrual hygiene practices are followed, there's no reason to avoid swimming during your period.

Doing away with Common Period Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Myth 2: You shouldn't exercise while menstruating.

Fact: Contrary to popular belief, exercise can help alleviate menstrual symptoms such as cramps and mood swings. Physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural pain relievers and can improve overall mood. While some women may experience discomfort during intense workouts, moderate exercise is generally safe and beneficial during menstruation. It's essential to listen to your body and adjust your workout routine accordingly. It is vital to keep your iron levels under check especially due to heavy blood loss during menstruation. Visit the Gytree Shop to purchase Iron gummies and many other nutrient-enhanced supplements. 

Myth 3: Menstrual blood is impure or toxic.

Fact: Menstrual blood is a natural bodily function and is not impure or toxic. It consists of blood, tissue, and uterine lining shed during the menstrual cycle. Menstruation is a sign of a healthy reproductive system, and there is nothing dirty or harmful about it. It's important to debunk this myth to eliminate the stigma surrounding menstruation and promote open conversations about reproductive health. However, being an integral part of many cultural practices in our country, there is no scientific reason for not going to a place of workshop while you are bleeding.

Doing away with Common Period Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Myth 4: PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is just a myth.

Fact: While PMS has often been dismissed as a myth or exaggerated, it is a real phenomenon experienced by many women in the days leading up to their period. Symptoms can vary from mood swings and irritability to bloating and fatigue. While the exact cause of PMS is not fully understood, hormonal fluctuations are believed to play a significant role. Recognizing and addressing PMS symptoms can help women manage their menstrual cycle more effectively.

Myth 5: You can't get pregnant during your period.

Fact: While the likelihood of getting pregnant during menstruation is lower compared to other times in the menstrual cycle, it is still possible, especially in women with shorter cycles. Sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for several days, so if ovulation occurs shortly after menstruation ends, conception can occur. It's essential to use contraception consistently if you're not planning to conceive, regardless of where you are in your menstrual cycle. This is one of the most common period myths that is searched about on the web.

Doing away with Common Period Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Myth 6: You shouldn't talk about periods openly.

Fact: Menstruation is a natural and normal bodily function, and there should be no shame or taboo associated with discussing it openly. Open conversations about periods help break down stigma, educate others, and promote menstrual health and hygiene. By normalizing period talk, we can create a more supportive and inclusive environment for women and girls.

Myth 7: Tampons can get lost in your body

Fact: This is a common misconception that often leads to unnecessary fear and apprehension about using tampons. Tampons are designed to be worn comfortably inside the vagina during menstruation. The vaginal canal, where tampons are inserted, is not an endless abyss, it has a finite length and ends at the cervix, which is the entrance to the uterus. Tampons cannot pass through the cervix into the uterus because the cervix acts as a barrier, preventing foreign objects from entering. Additionally, the vagina is lined with muscles that help hold tampons in place and expel them when it's time to change.

In conclusion, it's crucial to debunk period myths and misinformation to promote accurate information and empower women to manage their menstrual health effectively. By challenging these common period myths, we can foster a culture of understanding, acceptance, and support surrounding menstruation. Let's work together to end the stigma and ensure that all individuals have access to the resources, correct information and support they need for optimal menstrual health.

Period myths Menstrual health