
Don't ignore these signs during your periods 

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Don't ignore these signs during your periods

Does any of this sound familiar?

Those days, when you were struggling with pain during your periods and you were told to tolerate it. Or when you were petrified to sit around somewhere or scared to wear light coloured clothes because you thought you would end up staining it. Deep inside, you knew something was not right but you ignored it thinking maybe this is normal and happens with everybody. Periods are a natural part of life and it tells a lot about your health so if you see any signs that you feel are abnormal, you should visit a gynaecologist.

Here are 4 signs during your menstrual cycle you shouldn't ignore.

What is a menstrual cycle or period?


Your period is the day you start bleeding and ends when you stop. Your menstrual cycle is the interval between the first day of your period to the first day of your next period. 

Signs that you shouldn't ignore:

1. Duration of the cycle: The average duration of your menstrual cycle is 28 days. It can vary between 21-35 days. If your cycle is less than 21 days or more than 35 days, it should be addressed. 

2. Duration of the flow: The normal duration of the flow varies anywhere between 2-7 days. However, if you do not experience any bleeding or if you are bleeding for longer than a week it's time to visit a doctor.

3. The volume: Normally you bleed anywhere around between 80-120ml which is changing 3-5 pads/tampons per day. Visiting the toilet to empty your menstrual cup 3 to 5 times a day. However, if you are changing your pad/tampon every hour, or every 2 hours, or if you rush to the toilet to empty your cup every 1 to 2 hours or if you bleed in between your cycle then it is not normal. 

4. Pain: Normally, every menstruator may experience some amount of pain which usually starts about 1-3 days before their period starts and may peak about 24 hours after their periods begin but usually subsides in 1-2 days. The pain can be anywhere between a throbbing kind of pain, a camping kind of pain or dull aching pain in the lower abdomen, and may be present as a backache or maybe radiate down the thighs. However, if the pain is so severe that it interferes with your day to day activities or it is intolerable it is time to visit a doctor.

tampons Duration of cycle period pain bleeding menstrual cycle