Do you have facial hair? Is it bothering you? Well, here we bring 3 facial hair removal tips for Indian women. For women having a little facial hair on the chin, upper lips is a normal and a common occurrence. But having excess facial hair might not be normal and could be a sign of some hormonal issue.
Excess facial hair in women is known as hirsutism. Hirsutism occurs when there is excess male hormones (androgens), primarily testosterone in the woman’s body. Excess facial and body hair can also be genetic. But a person having hirsutism will also see other symptoms like deepening voice, balding, acne etc. Hirsutism is a common symptom in people with PCOS.
Here are 3 facial hair removal tips:
It is one of the quick and easy ways to remove facial hair. All you need is a disposable razor and some shaving cream. Clean your face with soap and water and then apply a layer of shaving cream, glide the razor in the direction of hair growth and tada, all the hair is gone.
This method seems to be the easiest but it has its own cons. Most common is that shaving can cause ingrown hair. Other than this there a high chance of getting cuts
that might lead to infection. Also this method is temporary so you might become annoyed and as you have to do it again and again.
Waxing is another way of removing facial hair. This method is also temporary but the effect lasts longer as the hair gets pulled off from the roots. You can use wax strips at home, but make sure those wax strips are specifically designed for the face. Before waxing do a patch test on your skin, to see whether you develop any allergic reaction to the wax. It’s always better to get it done by a professional.
The most common problem with waxing is that it is painful, and the level of pain depends on the person. Waxing can also cause ingrown hairs and burns if not done properly.
Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal is a considerable way to remove facial hair. It is one of the best ways of facial hair removal as the result last very long and sometimes even permanent. This method includes damaging or destroying the hair follicles through laser beams.
The cons of laser hair removal is that it is really expensive and not everyone can afford it. Also this needs to be done by a professional.