
Foods that increase body heat!

Gytree Team
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Foods that increase body heat!

We are what we eat. The saying stays true. Food is our basic need. We can't live without it. As important as it is to eat, it's also important to eat right. Eating according to the weather helps us keep up with nature. As summer has arrived we all run to switch on our AC. But did you know that staying away from certain foods that increase the body heat is a natural way to protect yourselves from the scorching summer. Let's learn about foods you might have to cut down during this summer season.

1. Common ingredients in our kitchen like onion, garlic, chilies, black pepper, ginger including spicy foods can increase body heat.

2. Some fruits like apples, litchi, peaches and oranges are also considered hot fruits and overeating them can lead to stomach problems.

3. Dry fruits also generate heat in our body thus generally recommended in Winters. Keep a check on the quantity intake during summers.


4. Jaggery is something our mothers force us to eat during winters. They also increase heat in our body. So leave them behind during summers.

5. Honey, cinnamon, saffron, and turmeric are considered the  holy spices in our kitchens. Still, their extensive use is forbidden during summers.

6. Eggs and animal protein are high in fats and proteins and that's the reason they increase heat in our body. Only a Limited quantity is recommended.Also stay away from Hot soups and keep them reserved for Winter.

7. Other food items that contribute to body heat are Cheese, Corn, Carrots , cooked Spinach, Buckwheat, Sour Cream, Urad and Tur dal, Kidney beans, Brown Rice, Millet, Pistachios, Onion, and Radishes. Keep a check on the amount of their consumption.

So this summer don't just regulate the outer atmosphere but try to regulate the heat inside your body too . Yes, certain foods do increase the body heat but this doesn't mean you stop eating them. You just have to limit them for a healthy gut.

gut health Healthy food Foods that increase body heat summer food What not to eat in summer