
Bid a farewell to your stress : effective stress management techniques

In a world where everyone is running behind work and managing life, the thing that is paid the least attention to is mental health. Stress is what disturbs the mental health from its core and here is how to manage that stress.

Janhavi Bardale
New Update
11 Effective tips for stress management

image taken from canva stock images

Stress is the biggest enemy of people at any age. Be it stress before exams, the stress of work, the stress of meeting someone, or any other kind of stress. It is basically the feeling of being overwhelmed and being unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure. 

What does stress actually look like?

Stress is an overwhelming condition and one might have to deal with certain kind of emotional pressure. If you are feeling stressed then you might face conditions like headache, indigestion, sweating and heart palpitations. Some people often mistake stress for anxiety but they fail to understand that anxiety is a symptom of stress.

Stress may have certain signs such as:

  1. Anxious
  2. Angry
  3. Aggressive
  4. Sad
  5. Frustrated
  6. Depressed
  7. Fright

Different people might have different reasons for stress. There might be people who deal with workplace stress, some might deal with household stress, some might deal with educational stress and some might be stressed due to certain everyday situations. But the way you manage stress remains the same for all. The first and foremost step is to understand the stress. One can practice the following techniques to identify and relieve stress.

Workplace stress
image taken from canva stock images

Stress Relief:

  1. Meditation: this has always proven to be effective without respect to the kind of stress caused. Be it physical or emotional, meditation helps you to focus on your breathing patterns and calm you down as well. It not only relaxes the body and mind but also helps in regulating the parasympathetic nervous system.
  2. One step at a time: A lot of people deal with commitment issues and end up taking up too many tasks at once which may cause a mess in their minds. Responding to one situation at a time and taking up one chore at a time automatically reduces stress and pressure.
  3. Journaling: this is one thing that has taken a toll on all the traditional stress-relieving practices. People who engage themselves in writing a journal in the morning and saying their thank you also find ways of organizing their day in a better manner. 
  4. Working out: exercising is the best way known to keep both your brain and body sane. A good workout session helps the body balance itself out and maintain the rhythm throughout the day.
  5. Diet: although a lot of people think that there is no connection between stress and diet but surprisingly, there is. One should eat a completely balanced diet in order to balance out the nutrients. A diet which is high in fats and sugar may destabilize you blood sugar levels and may trigger your stress even more.
  6. Sleep: sleeping patterns make the highest difference in the stress caused. Your body needs a good amount of rest in order to function normally and for the rest of the body processes to respond properly. A good 6-8 hour sleep does the magic for you.

These were all the ways in which stress is caused and given were all the ways in which one might effectively handle stress. Dealing with stress in difficult only when you don't know the root cause of the stress. You might face certain physical and emotional instabilities which are the signs of stress. But it is never too late and never too difficult to deal with a stress whose cause is known and the person is ready to follow an effective stress management routine.

How to reduce stress sleep cycle and stress stress reducing tips stress