
Intimate Washes: Do you really need them?

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Intimate Washes: Do you really need them?

Vagina is a self cleansing organ. It does not require dedicated products to clean it. Although maintaining intimate hygiene is very crucial for vaginal health. 80% women in India ignore personal hygine and are hesitant to talk about it. Vaginal issues are still a taboo in India and treated as “Hush-Hush” topics. 

Women are still not very familiar with the intimate hygiene concept. Vaginal is an internal organ which should not come in contact with external contents such as even water (douching), and vulva is the outer part which is supposed to be cleaned with water. 

Vagina produces a liquid which kills the microbes and maintains the ph level of the vagina (between 3.8 and 4.6). 

Washing vagina with hard soaps, washes that claim to clean and maintain the ph or even douching can jumble with the optimal pH and cause dryness or bacterial infections.

Intimate Washes: Do you really need them?


Being a self cleaning organ, it does not need a daily cleansing ritual. However, cleaning the vulva area with warm water will do the job. However, if you still want to use a soap, make sure it’s mild, unscented and chemical free. Also after the soap cleanse, wash your intimate area with the clean water and make sure there’s no residue left, otherwise it can cause several vaginal infections such as yeast infection. 

Intimate washes are formula created to wash genital area. Some reports claim that they are absolutely safe to use, nonetheless, others claim that they increase the risk of bacterial or fungal infections.

A woman’s reproductive organs undergo different stages, such as puberty, menstruation period, and menopause, which disturb vaginal pH and microbes. Therefore, doctors advise not to use these commercial intimate wash products regularly. According to Dr Gupta, using vaginal hygiene products regularly can be beneficial, but using them during periods can also be a bit harmful. The chemicals based products can disturb the natural cleaning process which is done by the vagina itself. If the natural cleaning process is disturbed, it can increase your risk of getting infection and growing bacteria in the vagina. Book Gytree’s expert curated packages if you are having any problems regarding vaginal health.

All in all, your vagina does not need intimate hygiene products to maintain the health of your vagina. However, if you choose to use it, never ever use it to clean inside of your vagina and should first consult with your doctor before using it.

Intimate Washes