
Rethink your Drink : Alcohol and mental health

Who does not love a good glass of a whisky? Exactly the question that each one of us should ask ourself! Don't let the alcohol glass empty you before you empty the alcohol glass.

Janhavi Bardale
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Alcohol Addiction in Women: A Balanced Perspective

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Alcohol , a word that may run an excitement in someone's bones or a chill down someone's spine. People around the globe having different ways of treating alcohol. Some may make it a celebration drink , some may make it a defeat drink , some might have it for fun and some might just have learnt a lesson. Although it seems quite controllable , but it really is not . Addictions are not easy to tackle with and so is this addiction. Some might think that alcohol is a getaway but up close alcohol is the most active factor to make your mental health even worse.

Alcohol Addiction in Women: A Balanced Perspective
image taken from canva stock images

How does alcohol challenge your brain?

A lot of people might have been through phases in their lives where the only way to escape they found was alcohol or drugs. This is the first place where alcohol really affects your brain , it challenges your brain into thinking that nothing is possible or escapable without a pint glass. Alocohol directly targets that part of yoyr brain that is responsible to make wise decisions , control inhibitions , and trigger your anxiety. Alcohol not only slows down the thought processes in your brain but also reduce the decision making power. The bodily damages caused by alcohol have a completely different story to tell. It might heavily affect your heart , the liver , can be a reason for strokes and the biggest of them all , Cancer


Alcohol and Mental Health

Apart from being an enemy for the brain and the body , alcohol has proven to be one of the biggest reasons of worsening of mental health. People start with a sip and slowly alcohol takes over all parts of their lives. Alcohol starts replacing friends , family , and even yourself. One might get into alcohol during situations of breakups , stress , academic and financial stress or other issues. A grown man might drink to reduce his work and financial stress , a boy might drink for fun and out of teenage influence , it is different for different people but what is common in all of them is the fact that it damages everyone the same way. 

Alcohol might be a way of self medication for some as research also says that alcohol is the bigger problem for the people who already are dealing with a mental illness. It may lead one to depression or bring someone out of depression , but you never know. It gives a sense of relaxation for a short period of time for some people but what it really does is triggers your anxiety even more. Hangover never did anyone any good! Alcohol mioght trigger one's thoughts and some thoughts may even include suicide or self harm. 

Like they say , you can never judge a book by its cover similarly you cannot judge a man's plight by the way he or she drinks. However , alcohol can never ever be a getaway , it is always meant to worsen your situation. The tinkling of the ice in those pint glasses are even worse when one does not know what is really happening to them. No rehab ever works if the person themself are not raedy to give up on their addiction but no alcohol is worth your life and you should know that.

Broken pint glasses might come back , your life won't! 

Mental health Impact on mental health