
Weight loss plateau: Why your weight is stuck?

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Weight loss plateau: Why your weight is stuck?

Weight loss plateau is a stage where you are trying to lose weight, but your weight stops changing. You try every possible thing to lose weight, whether it’s a workout plan or a particular diet, but you see no change in your weight.

Every person who is trying to lose weight or who has lost some weight deals with this stage needs to know that this is completely normal and managable. The process of changing the constant weight can be frustrating for a person, but with the right strategy and approach you can break this weight loss plateau and achieve your health goals. 

To break the plateau, it’s important to understand the root cause of your weight loss plateau. Here are some reasons why your weight is stuck.

Weight loss plateau: Why your weight is stuck?
  • Having very low calorie Diet:

If you are following a very low calorie diet consciously or unconsciously, it may show you results at the start of your journey but eventually your body will adapt to the changes and prevent you from getting further weight loss by slowing down your metabolism. That’s a very important reason why it's wise to consult a specialist who can plan a calorie deficit smartly to gives you sustainable results.

  • Nutritional deficiencies:

It's very important to track or examine your health in every six months or before starting working on your health goals, as sometimes, nutritional deficiencies can also be the reason for stuck weight. Every nutrient has a specific function in our body, and if there’s any nutritional deficiencies, they won’t let your body work efficiently and can eventually affect your metabolism, gut health, energy and hormonal levels.

  • Same workout routine:

If you’re doing the same kind of exercises with the same intensity, you need to understand that maybe your body is now looking for some kind of changes. Your body is habitual of the same exercises and not burning enough calories, so change your workout pattern, explore new workouts, shift the timings and focus towards the intensity of the exercises to start moving your weight again.

  • Not focusing on Portion control:

We all know that for weight loss, food plays a very important factor. We often forget it’s not only about what you eat but also how much you eat. All the extra energy which is not used by our body is going to be stored as fat in our body. So, pay attention to what’s on your plate and how much you are eating. To start cutting your portion make sure you start with a bowl of salad before reaching to your carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

  • Hormonal Imbalance:

Our hormones facilitates almost every activity or function in our body like our hunger, metabolism, sleep, stress, sexual functions, mood etc. Sometimes due to various  factors like genetics or sedentary lifestyle people face hormonal imbalance which can create trouble in losing weight. The major hormones that affect our weight are insulin, T3-T4, leptin, cortisol, ghrelin etc, so make sure that you take care of your hormonal health to see optimum weight loss results.

Weight loss