
Why women health needs attention?

Gytree Team
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Why women health needs attention?

Women take the family ahead, they are the cornerstone of the family. Women, who play the key role in maintaining healthy families, who are the primary caregiver for all the family members, often forgets that her health status is of utmost importance. Women's health challenges are unique and different and that is why they need special care and attention.

1. Living with Periods:

Why women health needs attention?

It is the phase in the menstrual cycle when the woman bleeds through her vagina. Yes it is natural. Yes it is pure. Yes it is a part of life. But , periods come with cramps, mood swings, cravings, body pain, painful acne and bloating. With this much happening, every month, women also have to take care of their daily responsibilities, and they do it very well. But with a little care and pampering you can make anyone's day better . Make this possible by doing these little things :

  • Helping her with daily chores.
  • Buying her favourite cuisine/dessert.
  • Making her a cup of tea/coffee.
  • Or just let her know that you are there.

2. Pregnancy, creating a life :

Why women health needs attention?

Pregnancy itself means change. It brings a lot of changes in a woman's body from internal to external.

It starts with an increase in oestrogen level which makes them nauseous in the First trimester. Progesterone level is also at  peak during the pregnancy. Followed up by morning sickness, Emotional symptoms (mood swings), Frequent urination, Lightheadedness, body pain, weight gain which affects them mentally and physically.

All this is worth it if the women has a supportive partner and family who understands her health needs.


Doing things like:

  • Checking on her health .
  • Taking her to the Doctor.
  • Helping her have a proper Nutritional diet.
  • Keeping her away from negativity and stress. 
  • Motivating her to workout and take proper rest.
  • Pampering her

can help her go through this easily.

3. Menopause, a part of ageing :

Why women health needs attention?

Menopause is a phase that marks the end of the menstrual cycle. It is a natural phenomenon when women's menstrual cycle stops and there is an end to the fertility period . It is a part of ageing which often gets ignored and given no importance by the families.


It has plenty of tough symptoms like: 

Mood changes, weight gain with slowed metabolism, joint and muscle aches, fatigue, night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep problems and many more. Changing levels of hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) can lead to these symptoms. 

Here are a few tips that you can adopt to help someone go through menopause:-

  • Talk to them and keep the communication open.
  • Adjust with their mood swings and help them get through it.
  • If you are the partner, sex can be difficult because of vaginal dryness but be patient and communicate.
  •  Ensure right nutrition and help them fulfil their health needs

All these phases of women's life starting from periods to menopause, comes in with a lot of changes. They have to go through it all their life. One thing that we as a responsible individual can do is understand and spread awareness about women health needs so that it doesn’t get ignored.

Women's health is a priority !

Pregnancy Periods women health care in india menopause women health care Why women health needs attention? women health