
World Sleep Day- All about Insomnia, the Silent Sleep Thief!

It's the dead of night, and while the world around you is lost in peaceful slumber, you're tossing and turning, unable to find refuge in the arms of sleep. You're suffering from a sleep disorder, Insomnia. Read to know all about it!

Johanitha Moraes
Updated On
New Update

Photo taken from Canva Stock Images

It's the dead of night, and while the world around you is lost in peaceful slumber, you're tossing and turning, unable to find refuge in the arms of sleep. Sound familiar? This is how the night of every insomnia feels like, this enemy insomnia that robs millions of people of their precious rest. As we celebrate World Sleep Day, it's time to be aware of this disease, insomnia, its effects, and causes, and shedding light on its treatment options. 

What exactly is Insomnia?

Ever found yourself counting sheep in a futile attempt to sweet-talk your brain into slumber? That's insomnia in action. Simply put, insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restorative sleep, despite adequate opportunity for rest. 

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Who are the culprits behind Sleepless Nights?

Let's play detective and uncover the culprits behind insomnia. While insomnia can strike anyone at any age, certain factors increase the likelihood of its unwelcome intrusion. Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders often play starring roles in the development of insomnia. Lifestyle choices, such as irregular sleep schedules, excessive caffeine consumption, and screen time before bed, also make prime suspects. Additionally, medical conditions like chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, and sleep apnea may contribute to the sleepless plight.

  1. A perfect storm of modern-day maladies- relentless work deadlines, looming financial worries, and the ceaseless buzz of digital distractions. 

  2. Stress, that ubiquitous shadow haunting our waking hours, often follows us into our beds, hijacking our tranquillity and fueling the fires of insomnia.

  3. Anxiety, too, plays a pivotal role, affecting our thoughts and refusing to release its grip even in the dead of night. 

  4. Our lifestyle choices, from indulging in late-night Netflix marathons to consuming caffeine-laden beverages with carelessness, can throw our sleep-wake cycle into the dustbin.

  5. Irregular sleep schedules, erratic bedtime routines, and the siren call of electronic screens only serve to exacerbate the problem, sabotaging our chances of a good night’s sleep. Indeed, in the modern age of constant connectivity and perpetual motion, the stage is set for insomnia to make its grand entrance, wreaking havoc on our sleep and sanity alike.

What are the Effects and Consequences of Insomnia?

Like a pebble tossed into a calm pond, insomnia sends ripples of disruption throughout every aspect of life. Fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating become unwelcome companions in the waking hours, impairing cognitive function and productivity. Mood swings and emotional instability cast shadows over once-bright days, straining relationships and dulling spirits. Physical health takes a hit too, with insomnia linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and compromised immune function. In short, insomnia isn't just a nuisance- it's a silent enemy with far-reaching consequences.

What are the Symptoms of Insomnia?


How do you know if insomnia has taken up dwelling in your nightly routine? Keep an eye out for these telltale signs.

Consult our Gytree Experts if you seem to be experiencing similar complaints. 

  • Difficulty falling asleep, despite feeling tired

  • Waking up frequently during the night

  • Trouble staying asleep, with frequent awakenings

  • Waking up too early and being unable to fall back asleep

  • Non-restorative sleep, leading to daytime fatigue and irritability

Photo taken from Gytree Shop

What are the Treatment and Management Options?

Now for the million-dollar question- how do we win over insomnia and reclaim our nights of restful slumber? Fortunately, a variety of treatment and management options are available to combat insomnia. Lifestyle modifications, such as establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and optimizing the sleep environment, form the foundation of insomnia management. Cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) offers evidence-based strategies to address sleep habits and thought patterns. Additionally, medications may be prescribed in certain cases to provide short-term relief from insomnia symptoms.


Gytree’s latest Sound Sleep Gummies are crafted to provide more than just sleep. These gummies help unwind, relax & bust stress because of the unique blend of Ashwagandha and Melatonin! Visit the Gytree Shop to get yours now! 

As we celebrate World Sleep Day this year, let's not forget the silent struggles of those battling insomnia in the shadows of the night. By raising awareness, promoting healthy sleep habits, and advocating for accessible treatment options, we can shine a light on this not so often spoken about topic. Remember, a good night's sleep is a fundamental human need, essential for physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. So, here's to peaceful nights, restful slumbers, and dreams as sweet as a lullaby!


Sleep insomnia world sleep day