
Healthy breakfast: Things to Grab & Get rid of!

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Healthy breakfast: Things to Grab & Get rid of!

A good healthy breakfast includes protein, healthy fats, and fibre. It also advises against eating foods high in saturated and trans fats, as well as cereals, yogurts, and muesli bars which are high in added sugar. Nutritionists recommend avoiding worst breakfast foods and instead focus on eating unprocessed whole foods.

It is important to make breakfast one that contains protein, healthy fat and fibre, with at least 10 grams of protein and limited added sugar. Eating a breakfast bar can be a great way to get in the morning nutrients you need to promote fullness throughout the day. According to Jerlyn Jones, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, choosing bars that contain protein, fiber and limited added sugar is key for a balanced breakfast. Avoiding foods high in added sugar is also beneficial for your health.    

Make your healthy breakfast nutrition balanced!

Healthy breakfast: Things to Grab & Get rid of!

Eating a well-balanced healthy breakfast is important for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and energy throughout the day. If you're in a hurry, choose sprouted grain bread and spread butter or flax seed on it. Top with fruit and nut butter or with extra fibre -rich fruits like juicy apples. For added proteins, fats, and healthy fats, consider adding peanut butter or nuts to your toast.

Fruits are important!

Add some fruits such as your favourite berries or a banana to make sure you get essential nutrients and vitamins. Avoid cereal bars as they are usually high in sugars and low in other nutrients. Seeds, nut butters, greek yogurt are also great options for quick balanced breakfasts that will keep you full for longer.   

Eat your proteins!

Adding nutritious breakfast options to your annual meal plan will help you have an excellent breakfast meal. Eating a high protein breakfast like eggs, greek yogurt, or milk and turkey sausage is a great way to provide your body with the protein it needs while removing fat and added sugar. Eating a low protein breakfast, like cheese and milk, or even some of the previous night’s dinner foods can also provide healthy fats that your body needs but without the added sugar found in many other foods.

Include Dairy for quick and healthy breakfast


Dairy products like cheese and milk are also great choices for quick breakfasts that will keep you full for longer. Finally, adding seeds to your breakfast like chia seeds or flaxseeds can help provide additional nutrition and energy throughout the day.   

Why it’s important to eat a well balanced and healthy breakfast?

Eating a nutritious, balanced breakfast is important for weight control. Research shows that 78% of people who eat breakfast tend to keep their weight in control, compared to those who don't. National Weight Control Registry suggests that eating breakfast can help you stay on track and meet your tasks and challenges for the day. Eating a healthy breakfast helps fuel your body and brain throughout the day to better handle any challenges or obstacles you may face.    

Breakfast options that you should avoid are:

However, when it comes to breakfast, there are certain foods that should be avoided to ensure you’re eating the healthiest options. Many breakfast cereals have added sugar and can be too high in carbohydrates and fat. These cereals should be avoided or replaced with healthier alternatives such as oats or muesli.

Flavored yogurts are also popular but can contain high levels of sugar and additives so instead try plain yogurt with fruit for a healthier option. Pancakes, biscuits, muffins and pastries made with refined flour products should also be avoided as they contain high amounts of sugar and fat. Butter and margarine should also not be included in your meals as well as any browns or fried foods such as hash browns. Bars including muesli bars are much better choices than pastries, pancakes or muffins for breakfast as they contain less added sugars and more nutrients like fibre. It’s important to understand your lifestyle and dietary habits to make eating healthy breakfast a consistent habit. Talk to Gytree’s experts or explore “Nutrition and fitness” packages to get a right diet plan according to your personal dietary choices.

Healthy breakfast Nutrition