
3 Healthy recipes for happy gut

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3 Healthy recipes for happy gut

Having a healthy lifestyle is like an investment for good health in the long term. The earlier you start the better. When it comes to gut health, do you know that your gut is a home for many bacterias. The good news is that most of them are good for you. They help you to digest the food and maintain a healthy gut microbiome. But what if you don’t care about your health and start eating unhealthy? Yes, those few bad bacterias can win over the good ones and make you susceptible to many diseases. 

That’s why it’s crucial to eat healthy and mindful . And to make your work easier we bring you 3 Salad recipes for improving your Gut Health.

Cucumber Onion Salad : 

3 Healthy recipes for happy gut
  • You need a handful of Shallots (small onions); as they are rich in iron, folate and are antioxidants. 
  • Soak them in water, as it will help you to peel them easily.
  • Take half a cucumber, slice them into small pieces and put them in a bowl.
  • Now peel the skin of the onions that you soaked and cut them, add them to the bowl.
  • Also, add 1 green chilli, sliced.
  • Add pink Himalayan salt.
  • 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar.

And your salad is ready. It not only improves the gut health but also strengthens the immunity.You can also have this salad as a side dish with your lunch and dinner.

Veggies yoghurt salad:

3 Healthy recipes for happy gut

Here is all you need.

  • Yoghourt (¼  cup)
  • Onion sliced (½ cup)
  • Tomato sliced ( ½ cup)
  • Cabbage sliced (½  cup)
  • Carrot sliced( ½ cup)
  • Cucumber sliced( ½ cup)
  • Black Pepper Powder  (pinch)
  • Salt (as per taste)

You mix them all in a bowl and enjoy the taste and health benefits.

Banana Bites Snack:

3 Healthy recipes for happy gut

All you need is:

  • Banana.
  • Nut butter
  • Hemp seed
  • Salt

All you have to do is spread the peeled and cut banana with nut butter and put a coating of hemp seed and a pinch of salt and serve.So easy and super healthy and delicious.It’s a must try.


Who knew keeping your gut happy could be this easy? Gut health is very important for a functional digestion to absorption. Try these super healthy and tasty recipes to keep up with your gut health .

Healthy recipes banana bread cucumber salad salads gut health Healthy salads for gut