
Heart problems: Is your heart healthy?

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Heart problems: Is your heart healthy?

Human heart is fist sized organ that pumps blood throughout our body. It is one os the most essential organs for sustaining. It does much more than just pumping blood; which as we all know carries oxygen, hormones and other components. 

It is quite obvious why our heart needs to be healthy as it is somewhere responsible for our overall health. Yet, today heart problems are increasing rapidly. There are many issues associated with heart. They come with their signs and treatments. 


The coronary arteries get blocked or narrowed. This leads to decreased blood flow to heart. This could even lead to chest paon or heart attack. After menopause, the risk of CAD hightens in women.

Symptoms of CAD: 

  • Not moving enough
  • Diabetes history
  • Family history or genetics
  • Problems like high blood pressure, high levels of bad cholestrol or low levels of good cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Smoking habits


Irregular heartbeats. It can be caused by other heart problems, after heart attack or even develop on it’s own. Chest pain, shortening of breath or feeling of discomfort can be its symptoms.


It is where the heart stops pumping blood. It is the ultimate disease as it cannot be cured and leads to sudden death. It can be caused by CAD, high blood pressure, heart attacks, sometimes even mental health issues like stress or other health issues.

There are many other heart problems and ways to check if your heart isn’t healthy.


But here’s how you can gauge if your heart is healthy:

  • Counting your steps: According to reports, a human body should move for at least 150 minutes per week
  • Blood Pressure: There are no symptoms blood pressure problems. Checking your blood pressure regularly will help you keep your record and see where you stand.  A normal human blood pressure is around 120/80 , and on average many people have an of blood pressure of 140/90. If your BP is higher or lower than this range dangerous for your health in the long run and it increases your risk for heart diseases.
  • High Density Lipoprotien: High levels of bad cholesterol means too much fat in blood. Opting for less oily or fried will help with optimal amount i.e. 130 milligrams per decilitre.
  • Body Mass Index (BMI):  A healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 24.9. By maintaining a healthy weight, you protect your heart from getting prone to various diseases.
  • Sleep cycle: As controversial as it is, an adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep for healthy functioning. 
  • Healthy diet: Maintaining a healthy diet with whole grains, fruits and vegetable and  healthy fats will help have a healthy heart.

Tips to stay away from heart problems:

  • No Smoking: Smoking cigerettes or tabacco will put you to higher risk of heart problems.
  • Laughter is the best medicine: Whether you like watching funny movies or cracking jokes with your friends, laughter may be good for your heart.
  • Make a toast: Moderate consumption of alcohol can help raise your levels of HDL, or good cholesterol. Red wine in particular may benefit your heart.
  • Start a breakfast routine: The first meal of the day is an important one. By Eating nutrient rich breakfast you can keep your heart healthy by maintaining healthy body weight and getting proper nutrition.
  • Stress relief therapy: Do what makes you happy for at least 30 minutes a day and ignore screens. 

If you think you might be facing heart problems, there’s no need to panic. See a doctor and indulge in healthy treatments. 

Heart problems