
How should you take care of the vagina after delivery?

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How should you take care of the vagina after delivery?

Verified by Dr. Vaishali Sakpal Rane (MBBS, DGO Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB Obstetrics and Gynaecology)

There are a lot of changes that happen in a woman's body after childbirth or what we call postpartum periods. Today we will discuss what you need to do to take care of your vagina, after natural childbirth. 

1. Taking care of the vaginal soreness:

Your vagina might feel a little bruised or a little sore after you have given birth to a baby naturally. You might also have a small cut to help the baby come out. 


You can do the following to relieve your vaginal soreness:

  • Sit on a comfortable padded pillow or a ring.
  • Keep a flat cool ice gel pack between the sanitary napkin and the perineum (the space between the vaginal opening and the anal opening).
  • When you go to pass urine, a very gentle spray of lukewarm or even cold water will clean the area and also make you feel comfortable.
  • Sit in a warm bath/warm water with an antibiotic solution twice a day for 10 minutes. 
  • Don't forget to take the painkiller/antibiotics and the stool softener advised by your doctor. 

2. Taking care of the vaginal discharge:

Vaginal discharge after childbirth is called a lochia, it starts with a red discharge, then a little pink, it becomes brown and then it becomes white and usually goes off in 6 weeks. It also has an unpleasant odour. Do not use any perfumed spray, soap, or other cosmetics down there. If you feel that the discharge is very heavy, or it has suddenly become red, or it's foul-smelling, or you're having a fever, please speak to your doctor immediately.

3. Taking care of vaginal dryness: 

The vagina might be temporarily dry because of soreness or hormonal changes. This vaginal dryness remains till you're breastfeeding. If you still feel dry while having sex then water-based lubricant is a good option. Please remember that you can resume sex only after 6 weeks of delivery at least. 


4. Taking care of vaginal looseness or laxity: 

The vagina might feel a little open or a little loose soon after the delivery, but it is an elastic organ and it regains its tightness soon after the delivery. It usually comes back to normal in 6 weeks. You can also try doing specific postnatal exercises. 

5. Taking care of the incontinence: 

You might feel pooping or even gas passing soon after the child's birth, this is very normal and settles down in 3 months.

A good regain of your vagina health also depends on how you have taken care of it during the pregnancy. So start early and don't wait for the child's birth to take care of your vagina.

Vagina after delivery Vaginal discharge after delivery postpartum vaginal care