
How sugar is bad for your health?

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How sugar is bad for your health?

You probably already know that consuming excessive sugar is bad for you. Nonetheless, you're probably still consuming too much sugar.The primary sources of processed sugar include sugary beverages, candy, baked products, and sweetened dairy. However, even savoury items, such as breads, sauce, and protein bars, can include sugar, attempting to make it all too easy to accumulate an excess of the sweet stuff, which can negatively impact your body in a variety of ways.

Your Brain

Sugar provides your brain with a massive burst of dopamine, a feel-good hormone. That explains why, around 3 p.m., you're more likely to want a candy bar than apples or a carrot.

Your Teeth


When you were 12, you probably rolled your eyes when your parents didn’t buy you chocolates every time you wanted, but your parents were correct: sweets can ruin your teeth. Bacteria that develop cavities enjoy eating sugar that remains in your mouth after eating anything sweet.

Your Joints

Here's another reason to avoid candy if you already have joint pain: Sweets have been demonstrated to aggravate joint discomfort due to inflammation they create in the body.

Your Skin

Inflammation may also accelerate the ageing process of your skin. Excess sugar binds to proteins in your circulation, resulting in the formation of dangerous chemicals known as "AGEs," or advanced glycation end. These chemicals do precisely what their name implies: they age your skin. This causes wrinkles and sagging skin.

Your Liver


A lot of additional sugar is probably fructose or high corn syrups. Fructose is processed in the liver and also in high levels can cause liver damage.

Your Heart

When you consume excessive sugar, the additional insulin in the bloodstream can damage the arteries throughout your body. It leads their walls to become inflamed, thicker than normal, and stiffer, which strains and destroys your heart over time. This can result in cardiovascular illness, such as cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, and strokes.

Your Body Weight

This is probably not surprising to you, and the more sugar you consume, the heavier you will get. Excess sugar can inflame fat cells, prompting them to produce substances that cause weight gain. 

Sugar is not a healthy food, but it is also not the deadly poison that some portray it to be. While most of us might benefit from less of it, a small amount is completely acceptable. So go ahead and indulge in a sweet treat occasionally, guilt free!

How sugar is bad for your health? Sugary beverages why too much sugar is bad sugary food