
How to get rid of facial hair in PCOS easily? Tips for Indian women with PCOS.

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How to get rid of facial hair in PCOS easily

If you have PCOS you must have wondered if how to get rid of facial hair in PCOS. The condition known as hirsutism, which results in excessive hair growth in women who are born, is primarily brought on by an increase in the androgen hormone. It is quite typical for PCOS.

The texture of hirsutism-related hair differs significantly from hair on a woman's body and face that is more normal. The hair on a woman's face, arms, chest, stomach, back, or chest that is brought on by hirsutism is often coarse and black.

Although having excessive body hair might cause self-consciousness, the issue isn't usually harmful. The hormone imbalance that might cause it, nevertheless, may make a person's health more difficult.

How to get rid of facial hair in PCOS easily

All people create androgens, however those who are born with the gender assigned to them usually have low amounts of them. It is possible for a woman to acquire hirsutism, though, if her body starts producing too many androgens or if her skin unexpectedly becomes sensitive to them.

One typical reason for hirsutism is PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Benign ovarian cysts brought on by PCOS might interfere with hormone production. Reduced fertility and unpredictable menstrual periods may result from this.

Hirsutism is typically a long-term disorder since hair grows in various periods, in six-month cycles. Unwanted hair can be removed using a variety of techniques, a few of which are more efficient than others. Some instances include:

  • medication, including contraceptive tablets and anti-androgens.
  • Electrolysis involves concerns such as edema, scarring, and skin redness.
  • a laser hair removal (this method works best on fair-skinned people with very dark hair)
  • Shaving
  • Waxing, plucking, and chemicals

Weight reduction may assist obese or overweight women in reducing excessive hair growth. Living with hirsutism can be made simpler by controlling your hormone levels, controlling your weight, concentrating on a nutrient-rich diet, and seeking help if the condition's symptoms make you feel uncomfortable.

Androgen Facial hair Pcos