
Hush! Uncover the twisted knot between Masturbation & Menstrual Pain

You might have heard about a dozen ways to soothe yourself from distressing cramps during your periods but did you know they have a connection with masturbation? Read more to find out

Rajnandini Tiwari
New Update

Picture taken from iStock images.

Menstrual Pain is a part of life for many women. That can make what is meant to be just a regular part of life tougher. Finding relief can take a woman from painkillers to heating pads—or even, for some, the thought of masturbation as a possible way to end a painful period. But does that work? Or is that another fallacy? Let's take a look into the subject with a very relatable approach.

What Are Menstrual Cramps

The first step that would lead to affixing the worth of masturbation to let out the period pain would be to locate from where such cramps evolve: Menstrual cramps called dysmenorrhea are caused by contractions of the uterus, which throws out its lining at the time of menstruation. The contractions are caused by the action of prostaglandins, a kind of hormone-like substance related to pain and inflammation. The more the prostaglandins, the more significant the pain. The pain can be mild in some and severe in others, making daily activity challenging. This also motivates many women to search for various pain-relieving measures, from over-the-counter pain relievers to alternative natural remedies.

How Masturbation Might Help


While it is somewhat of a taboo, masturbation is a completely natural and normal behavior that people do for many purposes, when they need stress relief, relaxation, or, of course, enjoyment. Now, the question is: is this going to help with period pain?

The answer lies in the body's response to sexual stimulation and orgasm. The process of masturbation releases the body's cocktail of chemicals, from endorphins and dopamine to oxytocin—the feel-good hormones that may help reduce pain perception and precipitate well-being in general, perhaps alleviating menstrual cramps.

Orgasm, for example, can contract and then slowly release uterine muscle, thus possibly reducing the pain intensity of cramps. What's more, the increased circulation in the pelvic region that's going to take place once you get aroused can relieve muscle tension, therefore supporting relaxation.

The Science behind

Although there isn't much scientific evidence pinpointing masturbation as an effective treatment to relieve period pain, generally, the idea does find support based on what happens in the body when one has an orgasm. Endorphins are natural pain relievers, and if one were to release those during sexual encounters, one might not feel the pain as much. Furthermore, muscle contractions and relaxation during orgasm might play a role in reducing or alleviating the cramping sensation of menstrual pains.

In a study, orgasmic sexual activity, even with masturbation, was stated to increase a person's pain threshold and help in delaying the onset of menstrual cramps. While more needs to be done to clearly outline the extent of these benefits, evidence, for now, and until then, does scream out one fact loud and clear: masturbation is a tool that really may be helpful in controlling period pain.


For most, it might sound a little strange to use self-pleasure as a method of pain relief from periods, yet it is maintained within a general layout of taking good care of one's self during menstruation. It's all in the search for what exactly works best for you. Others may find that a warm bath, a soft blankie, and some time alone with that favorite book or film are just the ticket to create a more relaxed, chill feeling. For others, this could well take the form of masturbation.

And don't forget when it comes to your body, everybody is different. What works for one person's body may not work for another. So, if you're curious about how your masturbatory practices can help alleviate your pain related to period cramps, it doesn't hurt to give it a try. It's a natural and not harmful way to experiment on what makes your body feel better.


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masturbation menstruation