Menopause is a normal physiological process of aging. You reach menopause when your periods completely stop for a period of 12 months. Menopause usually happens between the age of 45 to 55. There are two types of menopause: one is normal that happens due to age and the other is surgical menopause (when the ovary or uterus is removed surgically). Menopause can cause a lot of miserable symptoms. Menopausal symptoms are different for different women, some might not feel much and those mild symptoms can be treated by simple lifestyle changes but for some women surviving the menopause phase becomes a tough task.
There are 3 menopause phases named as perimenopause, menopause, post menopause.
Perimenopause refers to the phase during which your body makes a natural transition to menopause. Perimenopause phase is also called the menopausal transition. There is a decline in the level of estrogen and the menstrual cycle becomes unpredictable. This phase can last up to several years, and symptoms like hot flashes, dryness in vagina, irregular periods and sleep disturbances can be seen.
This is the phase when a woman stops getting periods for a complete 12 months. The ovary stops producing eggs and a woman can no longer get pregnant during this phase. Menopause marks the end of the reproductive age. In this stage estrogen level drastically decreases and the body shows different symptoms due to lack of estrogen. Hot flashes, mood changes, vaginal or bladder problems and low libido are common symptoms during menopause.
Post menopause :
Post menopause is the stage where the symptoms of menopause decreases but there is an increased risk of bone deformities, due to loss of bone mass and heart diseases. This stage starts after the menopause and lasts throughout the life.
In some cases there can be early menopause which is mainly caused by immune disorder, genetic issue, premature ovarian failure and surgical removal of ovary or uterus. There is increased risk of colon and ovarian cancer in case of premature menopause as estrogen level is drastically decreased. Menopause phase requires attention and It becomes important to talk to a doctor, address the symptoms and take the right guidance to cope up with the symptoms.