
Period Sex :The positive and negative sides of it.

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Period Sex :The positive and negative sides of it.

Verified by Dr. Vaishali Sakpal Rane (MBBS, DGO Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB Obstetrics and Gynaecology)

During your reproductive years, you will have one menstrual cycle every month. There's no reason to avoid sexual intercourse during your period unless you're very squeamish or if period sex is not your thing. Period sex is entirely safe, but the fact is it can be really messy and you still need to . But with a little extra care and preparation you can have an amazing period sex.

Having sex while on your period provides few advantages like:

Pain relief from cramping 


Menstrual cramps may be relieved by orgasms. Menstrual cramps are produced by the uterus contracting to shed its lining. During an orgasm certain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin are released which may help in relieving cramps.

Shorter periods

Sex may cause your periods to be shorter. Cramps during an orgasm accelerate the passage of uterine contents. This might lead to shorter durations.

Increased sex drive

During your menstrual cycle, your libido changes due to hormonal alterations. While many women report an increase in sex drive two weeks before their cycle, others report feeling extremely turned on throughout their period.

Natural lubrication


Your blood flow can provide additional lubrication during sex, which can heighten pleasure.

It can help with your headache

Migraine headaches in women can occur during their periods. Although the majority of women who get menstrual migraines abstain from sexual activity when they are having an episode, many of those who do report that it reduces or eliminates their headaches.

The most obvious drawback of having sex during your menstruation is the mess. Blood may get on you, your partner. Bleeding may make you feel self-conscious, in addition to making your bed dirty. Anxiety over creating a mess might detract from the enjoyment of sex. Another concern about engaging in sexual activity during your menstruation is the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted infections (STI) such as HIV or hepatitis. These viruses live in the blood and can be spread by contact with tainted menstrual blood. 

When you have intercourse, use condoms to lower your risks of transferring or developing a STI. If you aren't actively attempting to conceive, utilising protection is a smart idea regardless of where you are in your menstrual cycle. While it's very unlikely to get pregnant during periods but you must use protection. That is why having safe sex is utmost important if you want to prevent pregnancy and STIs.

Period sex advantage of period sex what is period sex