
Why self breast examination is important?

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Why self breast examination is important?

Women can check their own breasts using a breast self-exam, which is a step-by-step procedure. You can detect any abnormalities in your breasts by periodically inspecting them. 

Monthly breast self-exams can assist you in detecting changes that could indicate an inflammation or breast cancer (such as breast lumps or spots that feel different). Breast cancer survival rates are substantially higher when found early. Self-examinations are critical for breast health. However, they should not be used in place of doctor-recommended checkups and screening procedures (such as mammograms). You should continue to see your regular doctor and/or gynaecologist on a regular basis.

Why self breast examination is important?

A few days following the end of your monthly menstrual cycle is the ideal time to perform a breast self-exam. Because hormonal fluctuations might impact the appearance and sensation of your breasts, it's ideal to undertake the exam while your breasts are normal. Women who do not menstruate should schedule the exam on a certain day, such as the first of each month. 


A visual assessment is the initial stage. To begin, place a mirror in front of you and stand topless with your hands by your sides. Take note of any changes in size, form, dimpling, inverted nipples, puckering, or even asymmetric ridges at the bottom. Put your hands by your sides and look for these indicators.Then, raise each breast separately while raising your arms above your head. 

The manual examination follows this stage. Check your left breast with your right hand, then vice versa. Press on every portion of one breast using the pads of your three middle fingers. At first press gently, then with medium pressure, and finally firmly. Examine your skin for lumps, thick patches, or other changes. A circular pattern might assist you ensure that you hit every location. The tissue should then be pressed beneath the arm. Squeeze the nipple lightly to look for discharge after checking under the areola. On your opposite body side, repeat the procedure. You may also do this while lying down since your breast tissue distributes more evenly when you lie down. 

Do not panic if you see a lump or any other unsettling changes! The majority of self-exam findings are not indicative of breast cancer. However, if you see any, you should contact your healthcare physician. 

You can maintain the health of your breasts and look for illness early on by conducting a monthly breast self-exam. You may add breast inspection steps into your daily routine, such as while getting ready for bed or taking a shower. You will grow better acquainted with your body with each breast self-exam. You'll be more aware of changes when you know what's usual for you.

breast cancer self breast examination Breast examination