
Balancing Act by Women

Why do women have to be perfect? Why do we have to be a mother, a housewife, and working women all at the same time? Is it perfect balancing or undue pressure?

Chitransha Sharma
New Update

image is taken from Vectorstock

Women can do it all. She can be a mother, a daughter, a 9-to-5 work girl, and an amazing housewife, but a woman who chooses to go to work is also expected to handle household chores. When she chooses to become a mother, she has to juggle all these tasks with the baby. 

A housewife is not appreciated for her work because it does not hold any monetary value. A woman faces many challenges in her life, and when juggling too many roles simultaneously, she puts a lot of pressure on herself to be perfect. Women are twice as prone to developing mental health issues as men. Is it just a woman’s duty to handle work, home, and children together? Do men have no role to play in these areas of life?


According to a dating app survey, 81% of 2000 women said they were comfortable being single. Many believe that because women are impacted by Western culture, they are choosing to stay single out of disrespect for their culture and values. This is entirely wrong. Women feel the freedom of choice when they are single. 


Women choose to marry because they believe that they will get support and understanding from the relationship. She works to build a career for herself, not to prove anything but to feel independent and secure. 

The act

Motherhood is a full-time job in itself, but it is not only the woman’s duty to be a parent. The father is equally responsible for taking care of the child. Similarly, household chores are everyone’s duty because of the sole reason that they all live in them. 

The roles of a woman in being submissive, compromising, and adjusting are not justified, even if she is a housewife. 

Running a house and a company requires the same amount of commitment, time, and effort. If the whole team is not willing to participate in the maintenance and work, the unit is bound to collapse. When a man does a job and also helps with household chores, he is applauded and is believed to be chivalrous, but when a woman does that, it is her duty. How is that right?



A company, a child, and a house—all these units require teamwork and the division of tasks. Expecting a woman to perform all these tasks in one go is unfair. Yes, a woman can balance it all like she has been doing since time immemorial, but I think we should give them a break.

