
Friends who know you inside out-a rare gem

"She is my best friend", you are lucky if you have someone to call that. Life can be troublesome and we need someone to laugh our way through it.

Chitransha Sharma
Updated On
New Update

image is taken from Shutterstock

“A friend is someone who walks in when others walk out.” This quotation is accurate, as female friendships continue to bear witness to its wisdom. How many of us have friends that we can rely on for anything? It can be anything from periods to partners; they will always be there. Yes, it is true that we need our family and siblings and that they are the only people who would care for us. A good friend can always be added to that list. 

Finding a good friend is like finding a diamond in a puddle of mud. It is a rare occurrence, but it can change your life forever. Just like our romantic relationships, we face problems with our friends too; you might find the wrong people who hurt you. These people are only put in your life to show you what a true friendship would not look like. You can choose wisely and find someone who can match your tunes. 

Why do we need them?

Unlike other relationships in your life, female friendships are the most different. You can reach out to them for emotional support in trying times. Women tend to bond over similar life stages, be they aging, navigating relationships, careers, or motherhood. A sense of unity and respect for one another is fostered by these common experiences. 


If you have a friend of your age, you can share your problems. Sometimes you will get a solution, and sometimes it will become an unpaid therapy session. There is nothing a coffee date with your best friend can't fix. Female friendships, if they are healthy, can urge you to shift perspectives and see a completely new side of life. The conversations you have with them can determine your mindset. 

Strong social ties are associated with longer life expectancies and better health outcomes for women, according to studies. Female friends offer companionship and social interaction that lowers the risk of physical illnesses like heart disease as well as mental health issues like anxiety and depression. 

Apart from these ‘benefits,’ you might need a friend just to cry with or share comfortable silences with. They will be your savior on a boring date and your biggest cheerleader in times of turbulence.

Hold on tight to these friendships, for they might try to slip away. Appreciate them every once in a while, and show them that they make your life a little bit better.

