Whether you have an anxiety problem or are only experiencing momentary anxiety, there are several strategies to manage the symptoms. By doing a few straightforward exercises, you can instantly calm down if you need to. Enough of these techniques can seem challenging the first few times you attempt them, but with some experience, they can provide a fast route to mental calm and relief from your emotions of worry.
Something sets you off, and before you know it, you feel trapped in a never-ending cycle of intrusive thoughts, worrying about everything that might possibly go wrong. Your breathing quickens, your body tenses, and you can hear the hammering of your heart in your ears. It's time to relax when anxiety attacks like these start to occur. The first stage is being conscious. It's a smart option to have the ability to see anxiety's early warning symptoms and take action before an episode occurs.
When you start to get that dreaded panicky sensation, breathing is one of the finest things you can do. Although it may seem simple, simplicity is key for treating anxiety symptoms. To reap its maximum effects, you must breathe deeply and gently. Additionally, it's a good idea to keep your attention only on your breathing. The anxious thoughts start to go away, our pulse rate decreases, and we begin to settle when we direct our attention to and really concentrate on our breathing.
Recognise what you're feeling
You might not understand what's happening until you're actually in the middle of an anxious episode. You could feel more at ease if you can identify your nervousness for what it is. Identify this as anxiety, not reality, and acknowledge that it will pass. You want to break this loop while your anxiety is at its highest, and for some people, thought-stopping tactics work just as well as telling their internalised messages to stop escalating their fear.
Anxiety can be decreased by a brief burst of heart-rate-raising activity.You may easily calm yourself down with a brisk 5-minute, high-intensity run around the block. If running isn't your thing, try jogging for one minute and then walking quickly for another until you've completed five minutes. The secret is to workout so that your heart rate rises. Additionally, it's critical to remember to breathe. Consider paying attention to your breathing as you run.
Get distracted
Maybe it's time to find a short diversion if nothing appears to be helping you shift your attention away from your nervous thoughts. At least until you're in a better frame of mind to address such ideas, breaking the loop of nervous thoughts and providing you with some respite can be accomplished by focusing on something you truly love.
However, what that diversion is differs from person to person. Find something enjoyable, calming, or mindless to divert your attention from your thoughts.