
Natural minerals and vitamins for your diet

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Natural minerals and vitamins for your diet

Eating a healthy diet is essential to achieving optimal health and well-being, but what many people don't realise is that adding natural minerals and vitamins to their diet can help make their already nutritious meals even more beneficial.

Natural minerals and vitamins are important for providing the body with various essential nutrients, some of which the body cannot make on its own. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the key benefits of including natural minerals and vitamins in your diet, along with some tips for doing so.

So if you're looking to up your nutrition game, read on to learn more about how adding natural minerals and vitamins to your diet can help!

Why add natural minerals and vitamins to your diet?


Mineral and vitamin deficiencies are the main causes of disease worldwide. Humans need a certain amount of vitamins and minerals to live and stay healthy. Natural sources of these essential elements are found in fruits, vegetables, meat and milk. By eating natural foods, we can maintain optimal health.

Natural minerals and vitamins for your diet

Mineral and vitamin deficiencies can cause diseases such as anemia, beriberi, pellagra, rickets and scurvy. Vitamin B 12 deficiency causes pernicious anaemia, while cobalamin deficiency leads to B12 deficiency disorders such as banglilelega paresis. Iron-deficiency anemia causes fatigue, constipation, skin lesions, excess blood in the stool and memory loss.

Vitamin D deficiency causes rickets in children, bone pains, bone loss and spasticity in adults. Folic acid deficiency causes neural tube defects in babies and neuralgia in older adults. Additionally, trace elements such as zinc, copper and selenium play important roles in the human body.

Human needs for various essential minerals vary based on age and gender. For example, pregnant women require more calcium while nursing mothers need more iron. It is essential to supplement deficient minerals with a multivitamin supplement when purchasing natural foods is not possible.

Vitamin A deficiency is also common due to poor food choices. However, beta carotene from natural sources can reverse vitamin A deficiency if eaten regularly.


How to add minerals and vitamins naturally?

Foods contain natural vitamins that are inactive until consumed by humans. Fruits - especially watermelons - have the most natural vitamin C. Other sources include green peppers, cabbage, cauliflower and tomatoes. The richest sources of vitamin D are oily fish such as salmon and tuna as well as eggs from chickens living in sunlight.

Most people eat a poor diet containing insufficient amounts of natural nutrients. Blackstrap molasses is high in iron; sunflower seeds are high in vitamins B 1 , B 2 , niacin, pantothenic acid and selenium; raisins are high in thiamin; dates are high in niacin; apricots have vitamin A; figs have copper; pineapples have manganese; and strawberries have antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols. It is imperative to consume a balanced diet to obtain the necessary nutrients.

Maintaining optimal health requires a proper diet with sufficient amounts of natural minerals and vitamins. Natural foods contain all the necessary components for healthy humans and animals alike- we just need to make healthy choices accessible!

Talk to Gytree’s experts or explore “Nutrition and fitness” packages to know more. Diseases can be prevented or treated when essential nutrients are lacking or present in incorrect amounts.

Healthy food Nutrition