
PCOS hair fall: Effective ways to treat

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PCOS hair fall

If you have PCOS you may be tired of the hair-loss caused by it and searching for ways to treat PCOS hair fall. Hirsutism, or excessive face and body hair, is one of a number of symptoms that can be brought on by the common hormonal syndrome known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). While many people with PCOS have thicker facial and body hair, some may suffer from pattern PCOS hair fall, which is characterised by hair thinning and loss.

Why does PCOS hair fall happens?

Androgens, or male hormones, are created by the female body. Among them is testosterone. Androgens have a part in initiating puberty and promoting pubic and underarm hair development. They also serve other crucial roles. Virilization is a consequence of increased androgen production brought on by PCOS and is one reasons for PCOS hair fall.

Any hair you lose as a result of PCOS won’t regrow on its own. However, with the right care, you might be able to encourage the development of new hair. Additionally, there are a number of ways to disguise hair loss brought on by PCOS. Hormone modulation is crucial to the management of PCOS hair fall since it is brought on by a hormonal imbalance. Different medicines can be used to do this.

PCOS hair fall: Effective ways to treat

Do not forget that you might need to test a few different drugs before you discover one that is effective for you. The majority of patients get the best outcomes while using multiple medications. But remember to take any medication under a medical supervision.

Can birth control pills help in PCOS hair fall management?

Birth control tablets can suppress testosterone levels, which may halt PCOS hair fall and lessen excessive hair growth. Other PCOS symptoms like irregular periods and acne are also helped by it. For PCOS hair fall, an anti-androgen medication is frequently administered in conjunction with oral contraceptives.

PCOS hair fall may be caused by a variety of things, such as infections, hormone imbalances, and medical problems. Micronutrient deficiencies, inadequate protein or calorie intake, and the use of some dietary supplements in excessive quantities are other causes that might result in hair loss. It’s crucial to see a healthcare expert if you’re having severe PCOS hair fall, so they can identify the underlying cause(s) and provide the appropriate therapy.

Make your PCOS hair loss less noticeable:-

  1. For a widening part:
  • experimenting with parting your hair in other areas
  • getting bangs that start further up on the top of your head
  • applying a root cover-up powder on your scalp, like this one, which is waterproof and available in different shades
  1. For thinning hair:
  • wearing a partial wig, sometimes called a wig fall, to cover your thinning hair without damaging glue or clips
  • using volumizing hair products to add lift and make your hair appear fuller
  • getting shorter, layered hair style to add volume and fullness
  1. For bald patches:
  • a hairstyle that will keep hair over the bald area, such as a top knot or low ponytail
  • a hair band or scarf wide enough to cover the spot
  • a partial wig or wig fall

Natural Remedies For Hair Regrowth:-

Treatment options for PCOS hair loss include oral medications, topical treatments, and laser therapy, but your diet plays an equally important role in helping to manage or reduce the severity of hair loss.

In many research studies, patients with androgenic alopecia have shown a tendency to have lower levels of vitamin D, zinc, and folate. These are also some of the common nutrient deficiencies seen in women with PCOS. Diet alone cannot treat PCOS hair fall, but following a holistic healthy lifestyle can help manage the underlying hormonal imbalance and manage hair loss in the long term.

PCOS hair fall: Effective ways to treat

It is important to include more anti-inflammatory foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, ample sources of protein, and healthy fats to improve your overall health. Although supplements such as biotin can also help meet gaps in deficiencies, eating a balanced diet is a more sustainable solution for managing PCOS hair fall.

Tips For A Healthy Scalp:- 

Taking care of your scalp is as important as your skin. Here are some tips to take care of your scalp to reduce PCOS hair fall:

  • Shampoo your hair twice to help get rid of oil and product buildup and clean your scalp thoroughly.
  • Apply a moisturising mask to your scalp to help prevent dryness.
  • Avoid tying your hair in tight hairstyles.
  • Massage your scalp at least once a week to help promote hair growth.

Some home remedies for PCOS hair fall management:-

1.Egg Mask

Eggs are rich in sulphur, phosphorus, selenium, iodine, zinc and protein, which together help promote hair growth.

To prepare the mask:

  • Separate one egg white in a bowl and add a teaspoon each of olive oil and honey.
  • Beat to make a paste and apply it all over from root to tips.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse with a mild shampoo.

2. Licorice Root

This herb prevents hair loss and further damage to the hair. It helps soothe the scalp and get rid of any dry flakes/dandruff.

  • Make a paste by adding a tablespoon of ground liquorice root and a quarter teaspoon saffron to one cup of milk.
  • Apply this to your scalp and hair length and leave it on overnight.
  • The next morning, wash your hair.
  • Repeat this twice a week.

3. Coconut Milk

The protein and essential fats in it promote hair growth and prevent hair fall.

To prepare coconut milk:

  • Grate a medium-sized coconut and simmer it in a pan for five minutes.
  • Strain and cool.
  • Then add one tablespoon of each crushed black pepper and fenugreek seeds to the milk.
  • Apply on your scalp and hair.
  • After 20 minutes, rinse with a shampoo.

4. Green Tea

This tea is rich in antioxidants, which help boost hair growth and prevent hair fall.

  • Soak two three teabags in one-two cups of hot water depending on the length of your hair.
  • When it cools, pour this over your scalp and hair, while gently massaging your head.
  • Rinse with cool water after an hour.

5. Beetroot Juice

  • Beetroot is rich in vitamins C and B6, folate, manganese, betaine and potassium, all of which are essential for healthy hair growth. Besides, it acts as a detoxification agent by helping keep the scalp clean.
  • Boil 7-8 beetroot leaves and grind along with 5-6 henna leaves.
  • Apply this paste on your scalp and leave for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

6. Greek Yoghurt and Honey

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of yoghurt with 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon in a bowl.
  • Using a dye brush, apply this paste to the scalp and roots.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
  • Apply this paste once a week.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an effective home remedy for hair loss and to boost hair growth. It is also effective in reducing problems of the scalp like itching and flaking.

  • Take the stalk of Aloe Vera and extract the pulp.
  • Apply it to your hair and scalp and leave it for about 45 minutes.
  • Rinse with normal water. You can do this three to four times a week to see better results.

8. Fenugreek Seeds

PCOS hair fall: Effective ways to treat

Fenugreek or Methi seed is among the most effective home remedies to stop hair loss. It repairs the hair follicles and helps in the re-growth of the hair.

  • Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in water.
  • Grind it to a fine paste and apply it to your hair and scalp.
  • Leave the paste on your head for about 30 minutes.
  • You can cover your scalp using a shower cap to keep it moist.
  • After 30 to 40 minutes, rinse it with normal water.
  • You don’t have to use any shampoo.

Do it twice a week for a month to control hair fall.

9. Onion Juice

The antibacterial properties of onions help fight against scalp infections, while the sulphur content improves the circulation of blood to the hair follicles. It promotes hair growth and controls the loss of hair.

  • To extract onion juice, grind the onion and then squeeze out the juice.
  • Dip the cotton ball in the onion juice and apply it to your scalp.
  • Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash it off using normal water and a mild shampoo.

Follow this procedure once a week and see the difference.

10. Amla

Indian Gooseberry or Amla is another effective home remedy to stop hair fall. One of the causes is the deficiency of vitamin C, hence consuming amla will strengthen the hair follicles and help you to control it. Its anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties help promote faster growth of hair, maintain a healthy scalp and prevents premature greying.

  • You can mix lime juice and the amla powder to make a paste.
  • Massage it to your scalp and hair.
  • Use a shower cap to cover your head so that the paste doesn’t dry out.
  • Keep it for an hour and then rinse it off with normal water.

These home remedies don’t have much scientific evidences to prove PCOS hair fall control but they have found to be working wonders by many people to keep their hair healthy. Exercise and yoga can also be helpful in managing PCOS hair fall.

While many don’t consider PCOS hair fall a severe condition, it can be for others. If PCOS hair fall is exceeding your life and negatively affecting you, it’s time to see a specialist. Talk to Gytree’s experts or book “Manage PCOS” Holistic 6 week Program to get the right guidance.

A worthy first step is undergoing tests to assess hormone levels. That is because if hormonal imbalance is the case, the healthcare provider will explain the options at your disposal to make your life easier and provide you with the right guidance to prevent PCOS hair fall and manage your PCOS holistically.

hairfall Pcos