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Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a disorder in which the ovaries (which generate eggs) begin to secrete an abnormally large number of androgens (male sex hormones).
These androgens are normally present in modest amounts in the female body, but when they rise, the afflicted woman experiences abrupt development of undesired hair on her face and body, excessive weight gain, and irregular periods.
Because it is a condition with no known origin, the only thing one can do is take measures and lessen the severity of its symptoms. Here are 5 health advice for PCOS sufferers:
- Dietary planning: Modest modifications in daily diet might work wonders for women with pcos. High fibre foods must be included in your diet as they slow down the metabolism and reduce insulin resistance in the body. Replacing your huge three-meal diet with smaller five-meal meals is also an effective strategy to allow your body enough time to use up the glucose.
- Exercise: According to research, decreasing 5 to 10% of one's body weight can cause the body to cease producing extra insulin and androgen. It also aids in the regularity of the monthly cycle in women. Regular brisk walking, running, swimming, and cycling might be useful. If dancing is your pastime, don't put off enrolling in that dance class you've been considering for over a year!
- Positive mindset: Women with PCOS are more likely to get melancholic and lethargic as a result of an unexpected weight gain, undesirable hair growth, and the dread of infertility. Depression and anxiety are quite frequent among women with pcos. Keeping a cheerful attitude, meditating, and spending time in nature or doing something you enjoy may indeed be useful.
- Say no to unhealthy habits: If you smoke and drink alcohol, quit! Keep in mind that these unhealthy practices might contribute to metabolic syndrome in the long run.
- Regular appointments: Women with PCOS should have their blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure examined on a regular basis. One should not disregard indicators of anxiety or despair and should seek medical attention if necessary.