
Period pain relief: 10 Best Healthy Juices to drink

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Period pain relief: 10 Best Healthy Juices to drink

When a woman is in her menstrual phase, she experiences a lot of discomforts, especially in the abdominal area. They also experiences severe cramps, mood swings, bloating, breast soreness and a lot of other symptoms. During menstrual phase the inner lining of the uterus breaks down and comes out along with blood. During this time, what you eat and drink also plays a huge and vital role.

There are many healthy juices that you can find healthy, good for your stomach and may also help in reducing cramps during this time. Here is a list of the 10 best and healthy juices to drink during your menstrual cycle for period pain relief:-

1. Pineapple Juice for period pain relief

Pineapple juice might help you relieve menstrual pain. Drinking pineapple juice during periods will also help to avoid anaemia. The period cramps is caused by contractions of the uterus muscles. Having pineapple juice during periods will help to relax the uterus and works amazing for period pain relief. This tasty and refreshing. juice is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and works as a natural remedy for many health issues.


2. Beetroot Juice for period pain relief

Beetroot juice is very rich in nutrients. The nitrates present in beetroot juice help in relaxing the blood vessels thereby increasing the blood flow and decreasing the blood. Beetroot has some organic acids which help in dispersing the lactic acid and thereby helping in relieve the pain. Beetroot is rich in magnesium and potassium as well which helps in improving the overall health of the women.

Period pain relief: 10 Best Healthy Juices to drink

3. Lemon Juice for period pain relief

Having lemon juice can helps lower the period pain as it is rich in many nutrients. Lemon juice also helps in increasing the levels of vitamin C which helps in relieving the cramps.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which is helpful in reducing muscle pain and cramps. The citric acid in lemon can lower the pH level. Studies have shown that a lowered pH level helps in reducing menstrual pain, bloating and cramps during periods.


4. Papaya Juice for period pain relief

Drinking papaya juice or eating papaya during periods is a great way to reduce pain and discomfort. Papaya is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains natural analgesic that have pain-killer properties.

The papaya juice can also help in managing period pain. Papaya also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The natural pain-killer properties of papaya can also be utilised to manage period pain. Further, we should note that papaya has been used for many years in the treatment of menstrual disorders.

5. Carrot Juice for period pain relief

The nutrients in carrots help the body to break down excess oestrogen, which might keep your body from building up painful cysts. Plus, it is a good source of vitamin A, which may help with regulating the menstrual cycle and ease period pain. Most of the people also find that carrot juice helps to curb their cravings. It is not just the sugar; it is the texture and sweet taste of the juice as well that might make you feel like you are satisfying your craving, even if you are not.

 6. Orange Juice for period pain relief


Do you know that orange juice has calcium, Vitamin C, and other nutrients that may help during this time? Orange juice is a good drink for women to help ease their cramps and pain caused by periods. While the juice is not an alternative to the painkillers yet it can be a good alternative to eating a high-sugar food that might even worsen the situation.

7. Aloe vera Juice for period pain relief

Aloe vera juice is one of the very popular home remedies for reducing period cramps. It works as a natural laxative and blood purifier and also helps in reducing inflammation. It can clean your blood, improve digestion and relieve constipation as well. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that might help reduce period pain and cramps.

Also, aloe vera juice helps to balance the pH levels in the body as well. It also helps to maining the body's natural electrolyte balance. In addition, aloe vera juice also helps in cleansing and detoxing the body. It helps to flush out excess waste and toxins in the body, which can result in relief from bloating, nausea, fatigue, and headaches.

8. Apple Juice for period pain relief

Many people aren’t aware that apple juice is actually a really healthy drink to have during periods. And no, it is not just because of all the healthy nutrients it contains but it is because it can help lower the risk of ovarian cancer to a great level.

The amazing part is that drinking a glass of apple juice would make you feel better in many ways other than just cramps as it is loaded with nutrients.

For example, It will help boost energy levels and improve moods, so if you are feeling down, this might be a kick in the mood that you need!

Period pain relief: 10 Best Healthy Juices to drink

9. Watermelon Juice for period pain relief

Watermelon juice is a not only good for the skin, it can also keep your body hydrated and reduce period pain.

Watermelon juice is rich in potassium, a nutrient which helps in relaxing the muscles and lowers the muscle cramps. It also has vitamin B6 and magnesium, both of them play a role in maintaining healthy bones and joints. And it also has a delicious taste. You will like the refreshing flavour after a long day at work.

10. Blueberry Juice for period pain relief

Blueberries are a good way for period pain relief, nausea and other symptoms of menstruation. They are anti-inflammatory. Blueberries contain anthocyanins which helps in reducing inflammation. They are also rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help to fight off free radicals that might cause damage to the  body's cells and tissues.

Talk to Gytree’s experts or explore expert curated nutrition packages to get a personalised guidance. Although there has not been much scientific studies and evidences about their effectiveness on cramps but they are healthy and rich with nutrients. You would want to experiment with making your own blueberry juice at home just  by blending up some fresh berries with water and straining out any bits that are not pure.

Period cramps Nutrition