
4 Common Postpartum myths busted

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Postpartum is the time period after the birth of the baby. It is usually considered the first 6 weeks after delivery. Most of the females go through post pregnancy mood swings. Yet, it is one of the most neglected phases and there are many postpartum myths.

The baby bump disappears immediately after childbirth.

After delivery, the uterus is still fairly large as the muscles and skin have expanded. So, the baby bump won’t disappear immediately. It takes time. The time range can vary from a few weeks to a few months for the baby bump to disappear.

Breastfeeding comes naturally. Breastfeeding mothers cannot get pregnant and a sick mother cannot breastfeed. Also, more the milk consumption,the better will be the breastfeeding.


Many women struggle with learning how to breastfeed their baby. There are fast let downs, low milk supply, shallow nipples and it takes time to find what works for you and your baby.

Breastfeeding mothers can get pregnant but they tend to experience a delay in the return of their fertility whivh is known as lactational amenorrhoea.

It is completely safe for a sick mom to breastfeed her baby provided she is able to do. The baby will not catch the infection as such but if the female faces difficulty in feeding the baby then she should get herself tested. 

Further, milk is undoubtedly a wholesome source of protein and fat but it should be consumed in moderation. Approximately 150 ml of milk should be more than sufficient.

Breastfeeding issues like latching problems and low milk supply are really common, but it’s important to consult a lactation expert. Gytree’s provides expert curated package for:


Every female goes through postpartum depression.

Postpartum blues are associated with the the problems caused due due changing moods and emotions. These are usually overcome naturally by women. If these emotions are prolonged, they could lead to depression. Society often confuses blues with depression. Whereas, a very small percentage of new mothers experience postpartum depression and others go through mood swings which are normal.

4 Common Postpartum myths busted

The mother is advised not drink a lot of water after delivery of the baby. Postpartum diet should be different from that followed during pregnancy.

Drinking sufficient water and staying hydrated is very essential for new mothers else it can be hazardous for both mother and baby. This is because these mothers tend to sweat a lot and also breastfeed their baby so a minimum consumption of 3-4 litres of water becomes even more important for them.

The diet schedule during postpartum can be the same as that followed during pregnancy. New moms are advised to take proper nutrition for healthy lactation and breastfeeding. One can also talk to a nutritionist for a proper postpartum diet plan. It is important to consume fresh home-cooked meals which consist of lots of vegetables, and fresh fruits. Iron, Calcium and Protein supplements should be consumed as per the advice of the doctors.
