
Preeclampsia in twin pregnancy: Is it more common?

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Preeclampsia in twin pregnancy: Is it more common?

Who wouldn't get excited if they are pregnant with twins? Everything is doubled. Double happiness and double joy. Well that also means some problems will also be doubled. Like the risk of developing preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia is a type of hypertensive disorder in pregnancy that is characterised by high BP readings and presence of protein in urine. It usually develops after 20wks of pregnancy.

The risk of preeclampsia is 2.6 times more in twin pregnancy than singleton pregnancy. The incidence increases as the number of foetuses increases . It is 14%in twins,21%in triplets and 40% in quadruplets and higher order pregnancy.

The occurrence of atypical forms like HELLP syndrome is  also increased.

Preeclampsia in twin pregnancy: Is it more common?

How is Preeclampsia diagnosed?

✓BP reading of more than 140/90 mmHg on two different occasions at least 6 hrs apart.

✓Presence of protein in urine 

Preeclampsia is a multisystem disorder that not only affects pregnancy outcomes but also brain, liver, kidneys and the blood vessels throughout the body. We do not know the exact reason why it occurs in certain women and not in others. Many scientific studies are conducted and there are many theories. However some women are at increased risk for developing preeclampsia. 

The risk factors are:


- previous history of preeclampsia in earlier pregnancy

- multiple gestation

- obesity

- Hypertension before pregnancy

- Diabetes

- hypertension in family


You may experience following symptoms and signs if you are developing Preeclampsia

1-weight gain of more than 2 pounds in a week

2- swelling over hands and feet that doesn't go away with rest.

3- headache

4- blurring of vision

5- pain in upper abdomen 

6 - fall in platelet count 

7- abnormal liver and kidney test functions

The last five signs indicate worsening of the disease.

Preeclampsia is a serious medical condition complicating pregnancy, significantly affecting both mother and baby. It increases the morbidity and mortality for both mother and baby.

Mother may develop convulsions, slip in coma , kidney failure, liver failure, coagulation problem which increases the risk of uncontrollable bleeding, need for blood transfusions. If such complications happen then well equipped tertiary care is required where ICU facilities are available.

Very few unfortunate ones may succumb to the disease despite all measures.

The only treatment is timely delivery of the baby after which the condition improves in most of the patients. Sometimes the need for premature delivery is required which puts the baby at risk for premature birth and complications associated with prematurity.

It is very important that you attend your health care provider regularly and get your BP , weight and urine albumin checked each time. This helps in early detection and early intervention.

In twin pregnancy there is also increased risk of diabetes, anaemia, and low lying placenta.

If you are pregnant with twins then it is better to be aware and visit your doctor regularly and follow his advice promptly. Don’t consider yourself alone in the pregnancy journey, talk to gytree experts who provide the right guidance and a handholding guidance to make your pregnancy journey easier.
