
Pregnancy Positions: How to Stand, Sit & Lay?

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Pregnancy Positions: How to Stand, Sit & Lay?

Some of the very important contributions to a healthy pregnancy are good pregnancy positions. Proper alignment might decrease low back, neck pain and fatigue. These tips would help to maintain a healthy posture throughout the pregnancy journey irrespective of the position like standing, sitting and lying down.

Pregnancy effect on body posture: 

During pregnancy several things occur that might hinder correct alignment. 

  1. Poor pregnancy positions(occurs naturally): 
  • The abdominal muscles stretch as the baby grows. 
  1. Corrected pregnancy positions (requires practice)
  • Tuck the pelvis under using the pelvic tilt.
Pregnancy Positions: How to Stand, Sit & Lay?

Maintaining a Healthy pregnancy positions While Standing: 

  • Maintain the pelvic tilt everytime so that the lower back does not sway forward.
  • Contract the abdominal muscles and buttocks so as to to act as a natural "corset" for the lower back.
  • Keep the chin tucked in. And ears are required to be in a straight life with the shoulders.
  • Avoid standing in one position for very long periods of time.
  • Consider wearing a maternity support belt for support.

Maintain a Healthy pregnancy positions While Sitting: 

  • Avoid slouching and maintain the pelvic tilt.
  • Sit into a chair in a way that the length of the thighs easily get the support of the chair.
  • Do not cross the legs. This position might decrease circulation.

Maintain a Healthy pregnancy positions While Semi Reclined: 

  • Stack pillows to elevate the head and keep the knees bent.

Maintaining a healthy pregnancy positions while lying on the side: 

  • Lying on the side is one of the best positions to take off the stress from the lower back without reducing the blood flow to the placenta and the baby.
  • Place a pillow in between the legs to support the weight of the top leg and decrease low back strain.
  • A pillow under the abdomen would help support the weight of the uterus.
  • Place a pillow behind the back for support.
Pregnancy Positions: How to Stand, Sit & Lay?

Maintain a healthy pregnancy positions while lying on the back: 

  • Avoid lying on the back for a long period of time after the first trimester. 
  • While lying on the back, elevate the head and put a pillow between the knees or keep the knees bent in order to flatten the back and tilt the pelvis.

Strategies for Lifting and Bending

Back strain is common during and after pregnancy journey as the pregnancy hormones cause the ligaments and joints to become soft.

Pregnancy Positions: How to Stand, Sit & Lay?
  • So as to reach or to lift low objects, spread the feet apart with one foot ahead of the other and bend the knees.
  • Bring the object close to the person as one straightens the knees and lifts. This would allow one to use the thigh muscles for lifting rather than straining the back muscles.
  • While moving an object, push it instead of pulling it. Use the legs, not the back and arms.
  • Do not bend at the waist with the knees straight, even when it is just a slight bend. Change the position.
  • When trying to get in and out of bed or a car, turn the hips, pelvis and back in the same direction while one maintains a straight back. While one get out of bed, first roll to the side and then use the arms to push from the bed.

Explorer Gytree's, expert curated, pregnancy and postpartum wellness packages to get the right guidance. Much of the back pain in pregnancy is linked with the strain on the back from the weight of the growing baby. Using the correct posture might help prevent and even ease some of the pain. 

Pregnancy pregnancy positions