
Reasons for Miscarriage: Be careful!

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Common Reasons for Miscarriage

Verified by Dr. Vaishali Sakpal Rane (MBBS, DGO Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Miscarriage is spontaneous loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation. Globally, about 50% of pregnancy result in miscarriage. When the loss occurs in first 3 months it is first trimester or early miscarriage and when it occurs after 3 months it is called late or second trimester miscarriage. It is important to know the period of gestation as the causes are usually different.

Unfortunately we don't know the causes for all the miscarriages that occur, but there are some common reasons for miscarriages to occur. We need to understand that it’s never because the pregnant lady has done something or not done something.

Common Reasons for Miscarriage

some of the common reasons for miscarriage are:

1- Chromosomal abnormalities

50% of miscarriages 8n first trimester occur because of chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomes are bundles of DNA that carry the crucial inform for the proper development of the baby. Any kind of error during the division of cells in very early development can result in addition or deletion of the chromosomes. Nature does not support such pregnancies and are lost in early development. There is nothing that can be done about this condition.

2- Maternal age

As maternal age increases the risk of abortion increases. The risk increases from 11%at 20-24yrs, to 15%at 30-34yrs, 25%at 35-39yrs, and 51% at 40-44yrs.

3-Chronic  diseases


Conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, raised blood pressure, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism are associated with increased risk of miscarriage.

4- Antiphospholipid syndrome

It is a condition where there is increased tendency for blood to form clots. The clots interfere in the placental blood flow and result in missed abortion.


Congenital thrombophilia like antithrombin III deficiency, protein C , protein S deficiency also increase the risk of early and late miscarriage.

6- Infections


Intrauterine infection like parvovirus, syphilis increases the risk of abortion.

7- Emotional factors

Excessive stress and sudden shock can increase the risk of abortion.

8- Uterine abnormalities

Congenital uterine anomalies like bicornuate ( two uterine cavities) , septate uterus (presence of a muscular wall in the uterine cavity) are associated with increased risk of miscarriage.

Similarly uterine fibroid or a polyp can affect the implantation of the embryo depending upon its position and cause miscarriage.

9- Cervical incompetence

Cervix is the mouth of the uterus that holds the growing fetus. It a strong muscular organ which is tightly closed normally . In some conditions the cervix becomes weak and cannot hold the growing fetus beyond a certain time.

It is a common reason for late miscarriage.

10 - Medication

Certain medicinations that are taken for autoimmune diseases or arthritis increase the chances of miscarriage.

11- Anesthesia and surgery 

Rarely surgery may be required in the first trimester. The anesthetic agents increase the risk for abortion more if it is a gynecological surgery. It is because of asphyxia from anesthetic accidents or because of stimulation of uterus due to physical that can  cause contractions. 

12 - Smoking, alcohol, illicit drugs

These all increase the risk of miscarriage. Timely quitting before conception can help alot to prevent pregnancy loss. Many times it is not possible to find out the exact cause for abortion , increasing the anxiety and frustration among the couple. 

However most of the couples  who had early miscarriage usually have normal pregnancy in next attempt.

Do not lose hope, contact your health care provider if you have any of the chronic conditions and get it corrected, lose weight if you are obese , refrain from alcohol, smoking and illicit drugs before trying to conceive. Don’t consider yourself alone in your pregnancy journey. It’s important to be in touch with a doctor for the right guidance. Explore Gytree’s “Are you pregnancy ready?” package to know more.
