
Can one get their Menstrual Periods after Tubectomy?

Ever wondered what will be the course of your menstrual cycles after you get a tubectomy done? Did this ever stop you in case you're considering having one yourself? Read this article to know the status of menstruation post-tubectomy.

Johanitha Moraes
Updated On
New Update

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Amongst the rapidly advancing methods of sterilization and birth control tubectomy or tubal ligation is one such technique that has gained prominence. Tubectomy is the procedure by which the fallopian tubes of a female are cut and tied such that the egg from the ovary does not meet the sperm in the uterus thus preventing the occurrence of pregnancy. It is one of the permanent and effective methods of sterilization or birth control

Ever wondered what will be the course of your menstrual cycles after you get a tubectomy done? Did this ever stop you in case you're considering having one yourself? Many women are concerned about the vast changes that this procedure will bring and hence are reluctant. Menstruation is one of their concerns. In this article, the course of your menstrual cycle will be explained post having undergone a tubectomy. 

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What Is Tubectomy?


This is a surgical procedure done on a female to prevent future pregnancies. The eggs from her ovaries will not be able to meet the sperm that is ejaculated by her partner into her uterus. This is done by giving a cut inclusion on both the fallopian tubes of the female and then tying them. This provides a foolproof obstruction for the eggs and the sperm. It has a very high success rate and is often an irreversible birth control method. This procedure should hence be done if one is very sure about their decision to not have any future children. 

What happens after a Tubectomy?

The process of ovulation that leads to fertilization and menstruation that leads to monthly periods are not interconnected or related. Although both are hormone-dependent and occur in the female reproductive tract, they are not dependent on each other. 

Ovulation, or release of the egg from the ovaries of a female occurs every month, usually on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. This egg is released into the fallopian tube where it meets the sperm that is deposited in the vagina of a female during sexual intercourse. If the egg and the sperm meet and fuse, fertilization occurs. If the egg and the sperm do not fuse, menstrual periods occur. 

After tubectomy, the fallopian tubes are cut and tied such that the egg that is released from the ovary does not meet the sperm. But the egg is indeed released every month from the ovary. Hence, there is no impairment in the occurrence of the menstrual cycle of the female. 

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Periods after Tubectomy 

Menstruation is nothing but the monthly shedding of the endothelial lining of the uterus as a sign that no fertilization of the the egg has occurred in the month. Menstruation is dependent on hormonal factors of the body. It is not related to the process of tubectomy and the impairment in the fallopian tube present. As long as a woman has good ovaries that are functioning effectively, her menstrual cycle will be normal. Disorders of menstruation like irregularly occur due to various causes mostly due to changes in the ovaries. 

The woman will be able to menstruate like she always used to, in fact even better. The amount of tension, anxiety and worry about an unwanted pregnancy leaves her mind post-tubectomy. Therefore she is relieved and all her hormones are well-balanced leading to smooth, efficient and regular menstrual cycles.

Consult our Gytree Experts for more information and guidance about Tubectomy and its aftereffects. It is essential to know the right information and be well aware of the various choices one has at their disposal. One can only make the right decision if one is aware of it with deep understanding. Knowledge is power, we should always strive to learn more about ourselves, our bodies and their functions for our very own benefit in the long term. 


periods after tubectomy period