
Common Pregnancy Myths Under Radar

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey in itself but numerous myths surround our expecting mothers like storm-filled clouds. Let's find the reality of some of these common myths.

Rajnandini Tiwari
New Update
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Picture taken from iStock images

Cravings indicate that the body needs certain nutrients.

Cravings are common during pregnancy, they are likely to be because of hormonal changes. Your body is like a ship sailing through a wild sea, some trembles are normal. They do not indicate any kind of nutritional deficiency. 

If a pregnant woman craves a particular food and doesn’t get it, the baby will start drooling after birth.

As we have unfolded above, cravings during pregnancy are mainly due to hormonal changes and psychological factors. This doesn’t have any direct impact on the baby's behavior, drooling is mainly caused due to teething and is a developmental milestone. It does not have any direct correlation with the mother’s pregnancy cravings but you could use this myth as an excuse to get your favorite foods. Just follow your doctor's advice and go for a balanced meal plan encompassing all nutrients along with your favorites. 


Pregnant women should avoid eating Fish

Certain varieties of Fish are safe during pregnancy and fish is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, Anchovies, Herring, Sardines, and Freshwater trout are examples of some fishes that could be added to your plate. However, women should avoid consuming fishes that are high in mercury like shark, swordfish, and king mackerel, and don't forget to limit the intake of other fishes like tuna.

Heartburn during pregnancy means that your baby will have a lot of hair

There is a slight correlation between heartburn during pregnancy and newborn hair volume. The hair is not your culprit, it's progesterone that could be causing the heartburn. This is the same hormone responsible for the baby's hair growth. So now you have your answer.

In some cases, the cause of heartburn could be due to some gastrointestinal changes during pregnancy 

Pregnant women should avoid caffeine completely


Living nine months without coffee could be a nightmare for many but you can take ease cause consuming caffeine in moderation is considered safe during pregnancy. It is recommended that it should not exceed more than 200 gms/day.

Say no to exercise during pregnancy

In 2024, we should be long over this myth. Dr. Sarah Bjorkman, an OBGYN practicing in Michigan revealed during her pregnancy journey that exercise is the best thing you could do to reduce pregnancy complications. However, you should avoid heavy cardio or straining workouts. Go for yoga, pilates, or workout routines specially crafted for pregnancy.

Don't let any midwife myth scare your journey to motherhood. Always fact-check with your doctor and don't believe bits of advice from nonreliable resources. Gytree health experts are always there to guide you. Enjoy your pregnancy myth free. 


We are an information-gathering blog. For all medical interventions, please consult a registered medical practitioner. 


Pregnancy Pregnancy myths