
How long does postpartum period last?

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How long does postpartum period last?

Verified by Dr. Vaishali Sakpal Rane (MBBS, DGO Obstetrics and Gynaecology, DNB Obstetrics and Gynaecology)

The postpartum phase is the initial six weeks after childbirth. The mother goes through a number of changes throughout the postpartum period, including both physical and mental alterations.

If this is the woman's first kid, she may find this to be a challenging period. The mother may experience additional stress due to the challenges of breastfeeding, loss of sleep as a result of the infant waking at night, and the obligations of caring for her new child. The mother right now needs support from her spouse, her family, and her friends. The mother will need to have her physical and mental health monitored, and her doctor can assist in minimising some of the pain, discomfort, and other physical and mental changes that occur during the postpartum period. Each woman's recovery period after giving birth is unique. A new mother's recovery period may be prolonged. Compared to vaginal birth, a woman's recovery time from a caesarean section is often lengthier. After giving birth, a woman may need anywhere between six months and a year to fully recuperate.

How long does postpartum period last?
  • The first week after giving birth

Along with all the physical discomforts, there are major hormonal changes during the first week, which cause mood swings. Progesterone and oestrogen levels fall. While the infant is being fed, the levels of prolactin and oxytocin fluctuate throughout the day.

  • The second to the fifth week after giving birth

For some women, bleeding may cease during the second week. Others may have it for up to six weeks, which is also typical. It is typical to experience postpartum depression or the "baby blues" starting in the second week (PPD). The mother could experience sadness, anxiety, and problems with eating and sleeping. During this period, the mother requires care and support, as well as medical assistance because some women may have suicidal or violent thoughts.

  • The sixth week after giving birth

The bleeding ceases and the uterus returns to its pre-pregnancy size after six weeks. After speaking with their doctor and if they feel comfortable, women can start exercising and having sexual relations. It is totally typical for many women to take much longer than expected to be ready. They shouldn't put themselves or their partner or others under strain. Both vaginal and caesarean deliveries are typically subject to the same healing phase for the mother.


The mother starts to feel better mentally and emotionally. It's common to experience fatigue and anxiety. Deeper depressive or anxious sensations, however, need medical intervention.

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