
Check these "dates" for an easy labor

Pregnancy is one of the most crucial times in womanhood. A woman should be given attention in all terms especially when it is about food. We will be talking about how dates act as a superfood during pregnancy labor.

Janhavi Bardale
New Update
Sti during pregnancy

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Every time I think about what a woman should eat during her pregnancy cravings, there is always sweets, savories, and spices. There is always junk on the radar but never a healthy snack. But we have a healthy snack that is sweet and also super beneficial during pregnancy. Dates! Dates are super nutritious and also a great addition to a to-be mom's diet. 

Let us have a closer look at all the benefits dates have:


  1. Dates are obtained naturally from date palm trees and is a natural source of sugar. It is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth and also provide energy at the same time.
  2. These are loaded with fiber which smoothens your digestive system. This also includes dealing with constipation which occurs mostly during pregnancy.
  3. Dates include folate which is good for the fetus.
  4. Iron, vitamin, and potassium are responsible for improving energy levels and muscle function.
  5. These are also good at lowering blood pressure.
image taken from canva stock images

How do dates help during labor?

The most important factors about dates are that they are anti-inflammatory, rich in antioxidants, and anti-tumor. It was earlier believed that dates cause easy labor because these have the properties of natural induction. Eating dates helps shorten the first stage of labor and dilates the cervix. It helps in ripening the cervix which helps the fetus move out of the body faster. 

Eating dates reduces the need for labor induction and this is the same for all women and all kind of pregnancies.

The Bottomline

Not only dates but eating any kind of dry nuts is great for women who are pregnant. This is due to the high amount vitamins, fiber, and rest of the nutrients. Although, people say that fresh fruits are better in water content and sugar but dry fruits and nuts provide equal amount of calories as well as energy.

Pregnancy pregnancy diet