
What are the common Pre and Post-Pregnancy Infections?

Pregnancy is a crucial phase in a woman's life marked by emotional and physical changes. Caution must be taken else she may develop complications as pre and post-pregnancy infections. Read about them!

Johanitha Moraes
New Update
Pregnancy infections

Photo taken from Canva Stock Images


Pregnancy is a journey unlike any other, a whirlwind of emotions that sweeps through the heart and soul. From the moment those two pink lines appear, a flood of joy, excitement, and anticipation takes over, entangled with a hint of nervousness and apprehension. As this tiny little miracle of life takes root within, each flutter and kick is a reminder of the precious bond between mother and child. Not only is this phase significant emotionally but physically as well. Oh my, pregnancy is the toughest physical pain any human can ever experience. However, expectant mothers must be aware of the potential risks that could occur from infections before and after pregnancy. 

Before Pregnancy:

Some infections may lead to preterm babies and low birth weight babies. These are the high risk cases of pregnancy and should be dealth with caution. Others can cause serious illness, birth defects and lifelong disabilities, such as blindness, hearing loss, impairments and learning disabilities. Consult our Gytree experts in ObGyn if you seem to be experiencing similar complaints. 

Pregnancy infections
Photo taken from Canva Stock Images

1. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs):

STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, and HIV can cause significant risks to both maternal and fetal health if left untreated. It's essential for individuals planning to conceive to undergo STI testing and seek treatment if necessary to reduce the risk of transmission to the baby during pregnancy.

2. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):

UTIs are common infections that can occur before pregnancy and may increase the risk of complications such as preterm labour and low birth weight if left untreated during pregnancy. Maintaining good hygiene practices, staying hydrated, and emptying the bladder frequently can help reduce the risk of UTIs.

3. Rubella (German Measles):


Rubella is a viral infection that can cause serious birth defects if contracted during pregnancy, particularly in the first trimester. Women need to ensure they are immune to rubella through vaccination before conceiving to protect themselves and their unborn babies.

After Pregnancy:

1. Postpartum Infections:

Following childbirth, women may be at risk of developing postpartum infections, including endometritis (infection of the uterine lining), mastitis (breast infection), caesarean incision infections and urinary tract infections. Prompt medical attention and proper hygiene practices, such as frequent handwashing and proper wound care, can help prevent and manage these infections.

2. Thrush (Yeast Infection):

Hormonal changes and breastfeeding can increase the risk of developing thrush, a fungal infection caused by Candida albicans. Symptoms include vaginal itching, burning, and discharge. Maintaining good hygiene, wearing breathable clothing, and avoiding unnecessary antibiotic use can help prevent thrush.


3. Cytomegalovirus (CMV):

CMV is a common viral infection that can be transmitted to newborns through breast milk, saliva, or urine. While most infants infected with CMV do not experience symptoms, some may develop hearing or vision problems. Practising good hygiene, such as washing hands thoroughly and avoiding contact with bodily fluids, can help reduce the risk of CMV transmission.

Pregnancy infections
Photo taken from Canva Stock Images

Prevention Strategies:

For personalised guidance and care during this critical phase in your life, check out our Gytree programs including the “Pregnancy Support-12 month program”.

  • Regular Testing and Screening: Undergoing regular STI testing, rubella immunity screening, and other relevant screenings before pregnancy can help identify and detect potential infections early.

  • Vaccination: Ensuring immunity to vaccine-preventable infections such as rubella and influenza before conception can help protect both the mother and the baby.

  • Hygiene Practices: Practicing good hygiene, including frequent handwashing, safe food handling, and proper wound care, can help prevent the spread of infections before and after pregnancy.

  • Safe Sexual Practices: Using barrier methods such as condoms can help reduce the risk of STIs, while mutual monogamy (being loyal to one sexual partner) and regular STI testing can further minimize transmission risks.

Being aware of these common infections before and after pregnancy is essential for maintaining maternal and fetal health. By understanding the risks, practising prevention strategies, and seeking prompt medical attention when needed, expectant mothers can navigate these wonderful phase of their life with confidence, ensuring a safe and healthy start for themselves and their newborns! 


Pregnancy pregnancy infections