
4 Important self-care tips for new mothers! Postpartum advice for new Indian moms!

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self-care tips for new mothers

Being a new parent makes it difficult to carve out time for yourself. This is true for all parents, but it holds true for new parents the most. Everything is changing quickly and there is a lot to learn. You might think you don't have any free time and feel extremely stressed out. Here are 4 Important self-care tips for new mothers that will help you in your journey.

Understanding the change:

Understanding why you feel you have little time is the first step to feeling less stressed. Once you are aware of the source of these emotions, once you accept the changes, you can deal with them head-on and take necessary steps to offer both you and your spouse a much-needed break. You will invariably be busy as you learn to live with a baby (or a newborn plus one or more older siblings). So its important to slowly adjust to the new change rather then getting overwhelmed!

Learn to take rest:


Even if you're "not doing anything" at the time, you'll be aware of where your kid is, what they're doing, and whether or not they're safe. Babies have distinct internal clocks than adults, as every new parent quickly discovers. A normal infant requires feeding, changing, and comforting every three hours when they wake up. The secret is to rest. Consider taking naps while your child is napping. Even if they just last a few hours, they may pile up. Getting some fresh air, walking, or other postpartum exercises may be beneficial , but start any exercise only after being recommended to do so by your doctor or healthcare professional.

self-care tips for new mothers

Look after your diet:

Your body has changed significantly as a result of pregnancy and childbirth. You must have time to rest. You need to consume a nutritious diet in addition to getting enough sleep to do that. You must maintain a healthy, balanced diet after giving birth in order to stay in shape and be able to care for your child. Both new and seasoned parents quickly discover how much labour newborns require. It takes time and effort to meet a newborn's continual requirements. You are frequently distracted from other household duties as a result.

Don’t overburden yourself:

Although you and your spouse will probably manage just fine on your own, having help with the domestic chores typically makes adjusting to a new baby easier. Instead of concentrating on the washing or the dishes, you and your partner may concentrate on your needs and the needs of your infant. Your family structure and routine may alter after giving birth, but you'll gradually get used to it. Your postpartum physical and mental changes will gradually become better. Never be afraid to discuss any worries with your doctor, whether they have to do with depression, your child, or the healing process.

postpartum care postpartum mental health